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133. Jesús M.Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón, Mercedes G.Merayo, Manuel Núñez. Using metamorphic testing to improve the quality of tags in OpenStreetMap. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 2023. Electronic Edition.

Abstract. We present a metamorphic testing approach to validate the information included in OpenStreetMap, a collaborative effort to produce a free map of the world. We focus on the quality of the tags storing the information about the elements of the map. We identified metamorphic relations with the potential to detect different types of tagging errors. In particular, we carefully designed mechanisms to automatically generate follow-up inputs, a fundamental component in the successful application of a metamorphic testing approach. The intrinsic nature of automatically analysing tags implies that we will detect real errors but some false positives as well. In order to obtain a good trade-off between real errors and false positives, we introduce thresholds. Our MRs will raise an error associated with a certain value if, depending on the nature of the MR, we have a certain number of elements (not) fulfilling a given condition. In order to evaluate the goodness and versatility of our framework, we chose four cities in different continents with the goal of analysing very heterogeneous contributors adding information in different languages. The application of this framework to the analysis
of the chosen cities revealed errors in all of them and in all the considered categories. In addition, around 66% of the errors found by our MRs in the analysed areas have not been previously reported by Osmose, the de facto standard OSM error checker.

132. Jesus M. Almendros-Jimenez, Antonio Becerra-Terón and Gines Moreno. Fuzzy Retrieval of Linked Open Data. XXII Jornadas de Programación y Lenguajes (PROLE 2023).

Abstract. The technologies associated with the Semantic Web facilitate the publication of Open Data as well as their integration into the Linked Open Data cloud for which RDF format has been chosen. The promoted W3C RDF query language SPARQL became very popular and has been subject of study in recent years, with the goal of improving SPARQL engines in terms of functionality and usability. In this line of research, our research group has developed a fuzzy extension of SPARQL, called FSA-SPARQL (Fuzzy Sets and Aggregators based SPARQL). Here we go a step forward, adapting FSA-SPARQL for querying Linked Open Data
with a fuzzy taste. Three goals are pursued, (i) fuzzification of Linked Open Data datasets, (ii) to extend FSA-SPARQL fuzzy aggregation and (iii) to equip FSA-SPARQL with quantification. Fuzzification, that is, interpretation of Linked Open Data datasets as fuzzy sets is made automatically at querying time, using trapezoidal membership functions. Powerful fuzzy aggregation and quantification operators are introduced in FSA-SPARQL based on fuzzy cardinals of fuzzy sets. As a result of the goals, FSA-SPARQL can be used for the retrieval of Linked Open Data datasets in real time, combining fuzzy aggregation and quantification. The proposed extension for FSA-SPARQL has been implemented and the system is available at our Web site.

131. Jesus M. Almendros-Jimenez, Antonio Becerra-Terón and Ginés Moreno. Introducing Fuzzy Quantifiers in FSA-SPARQL. XXI Jornadas de Programación y Lenguajes (PROLE 2022). Electronic Edition.

Abstract. Fuzzy quantification makes it possible to model quantifiers from the natural language (most, at least half, few, around a dozen, etc). Absolute quantifiers refer to a number while relative ones refer to a proportion. In this paper we introduce fuzzy quantifiers in FSA-SPARQL, a fuzzy extension of the SPARQL query language developed by our group. We focus on relative quantifiers (most, at least half, few, etc) and propose a fuzzy operator called QUANT to model relative fuzzy quantifiers in FSA-SPARQL. As in previous works about FSA-SPARQL, we study a translation of FSA-SPARQL queries involving fuzzy quantifiers to
crisp SPARQL. The proposed extension has been implemented and it can be tested from the FSA-SPARQL Web site.

130. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón, Ginés Moreno, José A. Riaza. Flexible Aggregation in FSA-SPARQL. XX Jornadas de Programación y Lenguajes (PROLE 2021). Electronic Edition.

Abstract. Aggregation is a very useful operation in database query languages. Through count, sum, min, max and avg operators database instances can be counted and summarized. Attached to such operators, group by and having clauses make it possible to define partitions on database instances as well as filter partitions according to Boolean conditions. In this paper, we define aggregation operators for the language FSA-SPARQL, which is a fuzzy extension of the Semantic Web query language SPARQL. We present the semantics of such operators with regard to fuzzy RDF triple patterns. We also provide mechanisms in FSA-SPARQL for the partition of fuzzy RDF triple patterns with regard to fuzzy sets, as well as for the filtering of partitions. The proposed extension has been implemented and it can be tested from the FSA-SPARQL Web site.

129. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón. Declarative Debugging of SPARQL Queries. XX Jornadas de Programación y Lenguajes (PROLE 2021). Electronic Edition.

Abstract. The debugging of database queries is a research topic of increasing interest in recent years. The Semantic Web query language SPARQL should be equipped with a debugger for helping users to detect bugs which usually cause empty results as well as wrong and missing answers. Declarative debugging is a well-known debugging method successfully used in other database query languages. In this paper we present a declarative debugger for SPARQL. The debugging is based on the building of a debugging tree, and the detection of buggy and failure nodes in the debugging tree causing empty results as well as wrong and missing answers. The debugger has been implemented and it is available as Web tool.

128. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón. Debugging of Wrong and Missing Answers in SPARQL. The 18th International Symposium on Database Programming Languages (DBPL 2021). ACM Press. Electronic Edition.

Abstract. The debugging of database queries is a research topic of increasing interest in recent years. The Semantic Web query language SPARQL should be equipped with a debugger for helping users to detect bugs which usually cause empty results as well as wrong and missing answers. Declarative debugging is a well-known debugging method successfully used in other database query languages. In this paper we present the elements of a declarative debugger for SPARQL in which the debugging is based on the building of a debugging tree for a given answer, and the detection of buggy and failure nodes in the debugging tree causing empty results as well as wrong and missing answers. The debugger has been implemented and it is available as Web tool.

127. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón, and Manuel Torres. The Retrieval of Social Network Data for Points-of-Interest in OpenStreetMap. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences volume 11, Article number: 10 (2021). Electronic Edition.

Abstract. OpenStreetMap is a volunteered geographic information system aimed at creating a free editable map of the world. One of the central elements of OpenStreetMap is the point-of-interest (POI). OpenStreetMap’s contributors label POIs with information about them, including their name, type, address, etc. However, to use OpenStreetMap for touristic purposes, POIs should be annotated with useful information for visitors. Recently, our group developed XOSM, a query language and visualization tool for OpenStreetMap. This paper describes how to integrate social network queries into the XOSM query language. As a consequence of such integration, XOSM enables the definition and visualization of queries in which social network data are retrieved for POIs. XOSM social network queries serve to analyze the characteristics and relevance of POIs by visualizing Twitter and YouTube data. XOSM APIs have been built on top of the social network APIs to map XOSM POIs to social network data. To obtain better accuracy and reduce noise in the matching of OpenStreetMap POIs and social network data, some improvements are proposed. In particular, this paper suggests restricting the search space of the APIs by using the city name and the type of POI and then filtering the results of the APIs using the Levenshtein distance, examines the advantages of such improvements, and provides benchmarks that validate the proposal.

126. Jesús M.Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón. Discovery and diagnosis of wrong SPARQL queries with ontology and constraint reasoning. Expert Systems with Applications
Volume 165, 1 March 2021, 113772. 2021. Electronic Edition.

Abstract. The discovery and diagnosis of wrong queries in database query languages have gained more attention in recent years. While for imperative languages well-known and mature debugging tools exist, the case of database query languages has traditionally attracted less attention. SPARQL is a database query language proposed for the retrieval of information in Semantic Web resources. RDF and OWL are standardized formats for representing Semantic Web information, and SPARQL acts on RDF/OWL resources allowing to retrieve answers of user’s queries. In spite of the SPARQL apparent simplicity, the number of mistakes a user can make in queries can be high and their detection, localization, and correction can be difficult to carry out. Wrong queries have as consequence most of the times empty answers, but also wrong and missing (expected but not found) answers. In this paper we present two ontology and constraint reasoning based methods for the discovery and diagnosis of wrong queries in SPARQL. The first method is used for detecting wrongly typed and unsatisfiable queries. The second method is used for detecting mismatching between user intention and queries, reporting incomplete, faulty queries as well as counterexamples. We formally define the above concepts and a list of examples to illustrate the methods is shown. A Web online tool has been developed to analyze SPARQL queries according to the proposed methods.

125. Jesús M.Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón, Mercedes G.Merayo, Manuel Núñez. Metamorphic testing of OpenStreetMap. Information and Software Technology, Volume 138, October 2021, 106631 Electronic Edition

Abstract. Context: OpenStreetMap represents a collaborative effort of many different and unrelated users to create a free map of the world. Although contributors follow some general guidelines, unsupervised additions are prone to include erroneous information. Unfortunately, it is impossible to automatically detect most of these issues because there does not exist an oracle to evaluate whether the information is correct or not. Metamorphic testing has shown to be very useful in assessing the correctness of very heterogeneous artifacts when oracles are not available. Objective: The main goal of our work is to provide a (fully implemented) framework, based on metamorphic testing, that will support the analysis of the information provided in OpenStreetMap with the goal of detecting faulty information. Method:
We defined a general metamorphic testing framework to deal with OpenStreetMap. We identified a set of good metamorphic relations. In order to have as much automation as possible, we paid special attention to the automatic selection of follow-up inputs because they are fundamental to diminish manual testing. In order to assess the usefulness of our framework, we applied it to analyze maps of four cities in different continents. The rationale is that we would be dealing with different problems created by different contributors. Results:
We obtained experimental evidence that shows the potential value of our framework. The application of our framework to the analysis of the chosen cities revealed errors in all of them and in all the considered categories. Conclusion: The experiments showed the usefulness of our framework to identify potential issues in the information appearing in OpenStreetMap. Although our metamorphic relations are very helpful, future users of the framework might identify other relations to deal with specific situations not covered by our relations. Since we provide a general pattern to define metamorphic relations, it is relatively easy to extend the existing framework. In particular, since all our metamorphic relations are implemented and the code is freely available, users have a pattern to implement new relations.

124. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón, Ginés Moreno, José A. Riaza. Flexible Aggregation in FSA-SPARQL. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). 2021. Electronic Edition.

Abstract. Aggregation is a very useful operation in database query languages. Through count, sum, min, max and avg operators database instances can be counted and summarized. Attached to such operators, group by and having clauses make it possible to define partitions on database instances as well as filter partitions according to Boolean conditions. In this paper, we define aggregation operators for the language FSA-SPARQL, which is a fuzzy extension of the Semantic Web query language SPARQL. We present the semantics of such operators with regard to fuzzy RDF triple patterns. We also provide mechanisms in FSA-SPARQL for the partition of fuzzy RDF triple patterns with regard to fuzzy sets, as well as for the filtering of partitions. The proposed extension has been implemented and it can be tested from the FSA-SPARQL Web site.

123. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón. A Web Tool for XQuery Debugging. ICWE 2021: Web Engineering pp 509-512. 2021. Electronic Edition.

Abstract. This system demo shows how to debug XQuery programs using an algorithmic debugger developed for XQuery. The debugging process consists in the building of a debugging tree and the answering of questions Yes/No by the user about the results of Function calls and XPath expressions until a bug is found (or no more questions remain). Using the higher-order capabilities of XQuery several debugging strategies –children selection strategies– can be used, enabling the adaptation of the debugging to the program/query.

122. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón. Declarative Debugging of XML Queries. PADL 2021: Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages pp 161-177. 2021. Electronic Edition.

Abstract. In this paper we present the elements of an algorithmic debugger for XQuery. Given a XQuery program/query, a debugging tree is built in which the root is the query and the answer, and non-root nodes contain the results of function calls and XPath expressions computed from the query. Using the higher-order capabilities of XQuery several navigation strategies can be defined, enabling the adaptation of the debugging to the program/query and the user needs. Debugging trees and concepts as (partially) incomplete and incorrect answers are formally defined for queries in terms of XQuery semantics. A Web tool has been developed allowing the visualization of the debugging tree and the debugging of a XQuery program/query with the selected navigation strategy.

121. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón, Ginés Moreno, José A. Riaza, Tuning Fuzzy SPARQL Queries in a Fuzzy Logic Programming Environment.XIX Jornadas de Programación y Lenguajes (PROLE 2019) Electronic Edition.

Abstract. We have recently designed FSA-SPARQL, an extension of the SPARQL query language for querying fuzzy RDF datasets. Answers of FSA-SPARQL queries are usually annotated with truth degrees which are computed from fuzzy connectives and operators that act on truth degrees associated to RDF triples. While FSA-SPARQL offers a rich repertoire of fuzzy connectives and operators, it is not always easy to retrieve the user’s expected answers. This is very often due to wrong formulation of queries, caused by inadequate use/combination of fuzzy connectives, operators and thresholds. For instance, a high threshold for truth degrees in some RDF datasets can lead to an empty set of answers, some strong or weak restrictive combination of fuzzy conditions might produce few or too many answers, etc. On the other hand, our research group has also developed the fuzzy logic programming language FASILL, which has been equipped with tuning techniques for enabling the customization of queries from test cases. In this paper, our goals are: (1) to provide a FSA-SPARQL translation to FASILL and (2) apply the tuning techniques to FSA-SPARQL queries for getting more precise formulation of queries from test cases

120. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón. Ontology and Constraint Reasoning Based Analysis of SPARQL Queries.XIX Jornadas de Programación y Lenguajes (PROLE 2019) Electronic Edition.

Abstract. The discovery and diagnosis of wrong queries in database query languages have gained more attention in recent years. While for imperative languages well-known and mature debugging tools exist, the case of database query languages has traditionally attracted less attention. SPARQL is a database query language proposed for the retrieval of information in Semantic Web resources. RDF and OWL are standardized formats for representing Semantic Web information, and SPARQL acts on RDF/OWL resources allowing to retrieve answers of user’s queries. In spite of the SPARQL apparent simplicity, the number of mistakes a user can make in queries can be high and their detection, localization, and correction can be difficult to carry out. Wrong queries have as consequence most of the times empty answers, but also wrong and missing (expected but not found) answers. In this paper we present two ontology and constraint reasoning based methods for the discovery and diagnosis of wrong queries in SPARQL. The first method is used for detecting wrongly typed and inconsistent queries. The second method is used for detecting mismatching between user intention and queries, reporting incomplete, faulty queries as well as counterexamples. We formally define the above concepts and a batch of examples to illustrate the methods is shown.

119. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón, Ginés Moreno, José A. Riaza, Tuning Fuzzy SPARQL Queries in a Fuzzy Logic Programming Environment. 
2019 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2019), Electronic Edition.

Abstract—We have recently designed FSA-SPARQL, an extension of the SPARQL query language for querying fuzzy RDF datasets. Answers of FSA-SPARQL queries are usually annotated with truth degrees which are computed from fuzzy connectives and operators that act on truth degrees associated to RDF triples. While FSA-SPARQL offers a rich repertoire of fuzzy connectives and operators, it is not always easy to retrieve the user’s expected answers. This is very often due to wrong formulation of queries, caused by inadequate use/combination of fuzzy connectives, operators and thresholds. For instance, a high threshold for truth degrees in some RDF datasets can lead to an empty set of answers, some strong or weak restrictive combination of fuzzy conditions might produce few or too many answers, etc. On the other hand, our research group has also developed the fuzzy logic programming language FASILL, which has been equipped with tuning techniques for enabling the customization of queries from test cases. In this paper, our goals are: (1) to provide a FSA-SPARQL translation to FASILL and (2) apply the tuning techniques to FSA-SPARQL queries for getting more precise formulation of queries from test cases.

118.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón, Manuel Torres. Integrating and Querying OpenStreetMap and Linked Open Data. Computer Journal, Volume 62, Issue 3, March 2019, Pages 321–345, Electronic Edition.

Abstract. In recent years, Open Street Map (OSM) has evolved into a highly popular geospatial system. The key of success of OSM is that OSM is open to absolutely everyone. OSM is not dependent on any one government, company, university, or international organization. OSM is based on crowdsourcing, in which users collaborate to collect spatial data of urban and rural areas on the earth. With the arising of Linked Open Data (LOD) initiative, and more concretely with Linked Geo Open Data (LGOD), many Web resources have been made available to everyone, providing geo-located datasets. In this paper a framework, called XOSM (XQuery for OpenStreetMap), for integrating and querying OSM and LGOD resources is presented. The framework is equipped with a Web tool and a rich XQuery-based library, enabling the definition of queries combining OSM layers and layers created from LGOD resources (KML, GeoJSON, CSV and RDF (and also XML)). The framework also provides an API to execute XQuery queries using the library.

117. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón, Gines Moreno. Fuzzy Queries of Social Networks involving Sentiment Analysis and Topic Detection. XVIII Jornadas de Programación y Lenguajes (PROLE 2018) Electronic Edition.

Abstract. Social networks have become a source of data which are of interest in all areas, and their querying and analysis is a hot topic in computer science. Our research group has developed a fuzzy extension of the Semantic Web query language SPARQL, called FSA-SPARQL (Fuzzy Sets and Aggregators based SPARQL). This extension provides mechanisms to express fuzzy queries against RDF data. FSA-SPARQL works with social networks. With this aim, FSA-SPARQL enables the transformation and fuzzification of social network API data. Fuzzification of social networks data is automatic and user-defined enabling a wide range of mechanisms for ranking and categorization, including sentiment analysis and topic detection. As case study, FSA-SPARQL has been used to query three well-known social networks: Twitter, Foursquare and TMDb.

116.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón. Analyzing the Tagging Quality of the Spanish OpenStreetMap, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2018, 7(8), 323. Electronic Edition.

Abstract: In this paper, a framework for the assessment of the quality of OpenStreetMap is presented, comprising a batch of methods to analyze the quality of entity tagging. The approach uses Taginfo as a reference base and analyses quality measures such as completeness, compliance, consistence, granularity, richness and trust . The framework has been used to analyze the quality of OpenStreetMap in Spain, comparing the main cities of Spain. Also a comparison between Spain and some major European cities has been carried out. Additionally, a Web tool has been also developed in order to facilitate the same kind of analysis in any area of the world.

115.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón and Ginés Moreno. Fuzzy Queries of Social Networks with FSA-SPARQL. Experts Systems with Applications Journal, 2018, Volume 113, 15 December 2018, Pages 128-146, Electronic Edition.

Abstract. Social networks have become a source of data which are of interest in all areas, and their querying and analysis is a hot topic in computer science. Our research group has developed a fuzzy extension of the Semantic Web query language SPARQL, called FSA-SPARQL (Fuzzy Sets and Aggregators based SPARQL). This extension provides mechanisms to express fuzzy queries against RDF data. FSA-SPARQL works with social networks. With this aim, FSA-SPARQL enables the transformation and fuzzification of social network API data. Fuzzification of social networks data is automatic and user-defined enabling a wide range of mechanisms for ranking and categorization, including sentiment analysis and topic detection. As a case study, FSA-SPARQL has been used to query three well-known social networks: Twitter, Foursquare and TMDb.

114.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón. Property-based Testing of SPARQL queries. Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Database Programming Languages (DBPL 2017). ACM Press. Electronic Edition.

Abstract. In this paper we describe a property-based testing tool for SPARQL. Given a SPARQL query, the tool randomly generates test cases which consist on instances of an ontology. The tool checks the well typed-ness of the SPARQL query as well as the consistency of the test cases with the ontology axioms. With this aim, a type system has been defined for SPARQL. Test cases are later used to execute the SPARQL query. The output of the SPARQL query is tested with a Boolean property which is defined in terms of membership of ontology individuals to ontology classes. The testing tool reports counterexamples when the Boolean property is not satisfied.

113. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón. Type Checking and Property-based Testing of SPARQL queries. Proceedings of the XVII Spanish Conference on Programming and Computer Languages (PROLE 2017). Electronic Edition.

Abstract. In this paper a property-based testing tool for SPARQL is described. The tool randomly generates test cases in the form of instances of an ontology. The tool checks the well typed-ness of the SPARQL query as well as the consistency of the test cases with the ontology axioms. Test cases are after used to execute queries. The output of the queries is tested with a Boolean property which is defined in terms of membership of ontology individuals to classes. The testing tool reports counterexamples when the Boolean property is not satisfied.

112.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón and Ginés Moreno. FSA-SPARQL: Fuzzy Queries in SPARQL. Proceedings of the XVII Spanish Conference on Programming and Computer Languages (PROLE 2017). Electronic Edition.

Abstract. SPARQL has been adopted as query language for the Semantic Web. RDF and OWL have been also established as vocabularies to describe ontologies in this setting. While RDF/OWL/SPARQL have been designed for querying crisp information, some contexts require to manage uncertainty, vagueness and imprecise knowledge. In this paper we propose a SPARQL extension, called FSA-SPARQL (Fuzzy Sets and Aggregators based SPARQL) in which queries can involve different fuzzy connectives and (aggregation) operators. The language has been implemented as an extension of the ARQ Jena SPARQL engine and it is equipped with a Web tool from which queries can be executed on-line.

111.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón. A Web Tool for Type Checking and Testing of SPARQL Queries. 17 International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2017), Springer, LNCS 10360, 2017. Electronic Edition.

Abstract. In this paper a property-based testing tool for SPARQL is described. The tool randomly generates test cases in the form of instances of an ontology. The tool checks the well typed-ness of the SPARQL query as well as the consistency of the test cases with the ontology axioms. Test cases are after used to execute queries. The output of the queries is tested with a Boolean property which is defined in terms of membership of ontology individuals to classes. The testing tool reports counterexamples when the Boolean property is not satisfied.

110.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón and Ginés Moreno. A Fuzzy Extension of SPARQL based on Fuzzy Sets and Aggregators. FUZZ-IEEE 2017: The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2017, pages 1-6, IEEE. Electronic Edition.

Abstract. SPARQL has been adopted as query language for the Semantic Web. RDF and OWL have been also established as vocabularies to describe ontologies in this setting. While RDF/OWL/SPARQL have been designed for querying crisp information, some contexts require to manage uncertainty, vagueness and imprecise knowledge. In this paper we propose a SPARQL extension, called FSA-SPARQL (Fuzzy Sets and Aggregators based SPARQL) in which queries can involve different fuzzy connectives and (aggregation) operators. The language has been implemented as an extension of the ARQ Jena SPARQL engine and it is equipped with a Web tool from which queries can be executed on-line.

109.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón and Alfredo Cuzzocrea. Syntactic and Semantic Errors in SPARQL Queries. Seventh edition of the International Workshop on Linked Web Data Management (LWDM), CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2017. Electronic Edition.

Abstract: In this paper we present a tool to syntactically and semantically validate SPARQL queries. With this aim, we extract triple patterns and filter conditions from SPARQL queries and we use the OWL API and an OWL ontology reasoner in order to detect wrong expressions. Given an ontology and a query, the tool reports different kinds of programming errors: wrong use of vocabulary, wrong use of resources and literals, wrong filter conditions and wrong use of variables in triple patterns and filter conditions. When the OWL ontology reasoner is used the tool reports a diagnosis.

108. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón. Automatic Property based Testing and Path Validation of XQuery Programs. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability Journal, January-March, Willey InterScience, 2017. Electronic Edition.

Abstract: Property-based testing has gained popularity in recent years in many areas of software development. The specification of assertions/properties helps to understand the semantics of pieces of code and, in modern programming environments, it can serve to test the program behavior. In this paper an XQuery property- based testing tool is presented which enables to automatically test XQuery programs. The tool is able to systematically generate XML instances (i.e., test cases) from a given XML schema, and to filter XML instances with input properties specified by the programmer. Additionally, the tool automatically checks output (respectively, input-output) properties in each output instance (respectively, each pair of input-output instances). The tool is able to report whether the XQuery program passes the test, that is, if all the test cases satisfy the (input-)output property, as well as the number of test cases used for testing. In addition, if the XQuery program fails the test, the tool shows counterexamples found in the test cases. Properties are specified with XQuery Boolean functions, and the testing tool has been implemented in XQuery. Additionally, an XQuery path validation tool is presented. This tool is able to detect wrong paths in XQuery expressions. The path validation tool takes as input an XML Schema and it reports those paths on the XQuery program that do not match the XML Schema. The path validation tool is a complement to the testing tool rejecting XQuery programs that do not conform to the XML Schema. The path validation tool has been also implemented in XQuery. Finally, a Web tool has been developed enabling to test and validate XQuery programs.

107.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón and Alfredo Cuzzocrea. Syntactic and Semantic Validation of SPARQL Queries. 32nd ACM SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2017) ACM Press, 2017. Electronic Edition.

Abstract: In this paper we present a tool to syntactically and semantically validate SPARQL queries. With this aim, we extract triple patterns and filter conditions from SPARQL queries and we use the OWL API and an OWL ontology reasoner in order to detect wrong expressions. Given an ontology and a query, the tool reports different kinds of programming errors: wrong use of vocabulary, wrong use of resources and literals, wrong filter conditions and wrong use of variables in triple patterns and filter conditions. When the OWL ontology reasoner is used the tool reports a diagnosis.

106. Ladjel Bellatreche, Óscar Pastor, Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Yamine Aït Ameur: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Model and Data Engineering, MEDI 2016, Almería, Spain, September 21-23, 2016, Proceedings. LNCS 9893, Springer, 2016. Electronic Edition

105. Eva Vidal-Fernández, Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, José A. Piedra, Manuel Cantón. Extraction of Knowledge Rules for the Retrieval of Mesoscale Oceanic Structures in Ocean Satellite Images. Springer book Hybrid Soft Computing for Image Segmentation, 2017, pages 137-162. Electronic Edition.

Abstract: The processing of ocean satellite images has as goal the detection of phenomena related with ocean dynamics. In this context, Mesoscale Oceanic Structures (MOS) play an essential role. In this chapter we will present the tool developed in our group in order to extract knowledge rules for the retrieval of MOS in ocean satellite images. We will describe the implementation of the tool: the workflow associated with the tool, the user interface, the class structure and the database of the tool. Additionally, the experimental results obtained with the tool in terms of fuzzy knowledge rules as well as labeled structures with these rules are shown. These results have been obtained with the tool analyzing chlorophyll and temperature images of the Canary Islands and North West African coast captured by the SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua sensors.

104. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez and Antonio Becerra-Terón. Testing of ATL programs from Randomly Generated Ecore Test Models. Proceedings of the XVI Spanish Conference on Programming and Computer Languages (PROLE 2016). Electronic Edition.

Abstract. Model transformation testing is crucial to detect incorrect transformations. Buggy transformations can lead to incorrect target models, either violating target meta-model requirements or more complex target model properties. In this paper we present a tool for testing ATL transformations. This tool is an extension of a previously developed tool for testing XML-based languages. With this aim an Ecore to XML Schema transformation is defined which makes to automatically generate random Ecore models possible. These randomly generated Ecore models are used to test ATL transformations. Properties to be tested are specified by OCL constraints, describing input and output conditions on source and target models, respectively.

103.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez and Antonio Becerra-Terón. Automatic Generation of Ecore Models for Testing ATL Transformations. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Model and Data Engineering, MEDI 2016, LNCS 9893, Almería, Spain, September 21-23, 2016, pages 16-30, Electronic Edition.

Abstract. Model transformation testing is crucial to detect incorrect transformations. Buggy transformations can lead to incorrect target models, either violating target meta-model requirements or more complex target model properties. In this paper we present a tool for testing ATL transformations. This tool is an extension of a previously developed tool for testing XML-based languages. With this aim an Ecore to XML Schema transformation is defined which makes to automatically generate random Ecore models possible. These randomly generated Ecore models are used to test ATL transformations. Properties to be tested are specified by OCL constraints, describing input and output conditions on source and target models, respectively.

102.Jesús Manuel Almendros-Jiménez, Alejandro Luna Tedesqui, Ginés Moreno. Debugging while Interpreting Fuzzy XPath Queries. FUZZ-IEEE 2016: The 2016 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2016. Electronic Edition.

Abstract. We have recently introduced “dynamic thresholding” techniques into our debugger of XPath queries which produces a set of correct XPath expressions with better chance degrees for retrieving answers from large XML files in a very efficient way. In this paper we focus on a new command called DEBIN intended to automatically interpret all these correct queries for the retrieval of their answers. The interest of the new command resides in the fact that users can retrieve now new information not necessarily reported by the execution of their initial queries, thus collecting useful novel answers (very often accompanied with a greater “retrieval status value” or satisfaction degree) associated to correct queries which slightly deviate from the original ones. In this paper we justify why, apart for automatically removing redundant solutions and sorting them, the use of appropriate filters seems to be mandatory when managing queries with the DEBIN command, in order to maintain efficiency and to avoid the generation of useless knowledge, since both the set of correct queries produced by the debugging process, as well as the set of answers obtained after interpreting them, can be enormous. Additionally, we justify why DEBIN should retrieve answers of correct queries, with worse chance degree but better satisfaction degree.

101. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez and Antonio Becerra. XQuery-Based Query Processing in Open Street Map. Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management, Volume 582 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science, pages 50-68, 2016. Electronic Edition.

Abstract. Volunteered geographic information (VGI) makes available a very large resource of geographic data. The exploitation of data coming from such resources requires an additional effort in the form of tools and effective processing techniques. One of the most established VGI is Open Street Map (OSM) offering data of urban and rural maps from the earth. In this paper we present a library for querying OSM with XQuery. This library is based on the well-known spatial operators defined by Clementini and Egenhofer, providing a repertoire of XQuery functions which encapsulate the search on the XML document representing a layer of OSM, and make the definition of queries on top of OSM layers easy. In essence, the library is equipped with a set of OSM Operators for OSM elements which, in combination with Higher Order facilities of XQuery, facilitates the composition of queries and the definition of keyword based search geo-localized queries. OSM data are indexed by an R-tree structure, in which OSM elements are enclosed by Minimum Bounding Rectangles (MBRs), in order to get shorter answer time.

100.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez and Alfredo Cuzzocrea. SemSynX: Flexible Similarity Analysis of XML Data via Semantic and Syntactic Heterogeneity/Homogeneity Detection. Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems, 11th International Conference, HAIS 2016, LNCS 9648, pp. 14-26, 2016. Electronic Edition.

Abstract. In this paper we introduce and experimentally assess SemSynX, a novel technique for supporting similarity analysis of XML data via semantic and syntactic heterogeneity/homogeneity detection. Given two XML trees, SemSynX retrieves a list of semantic and syntactic heterogeneity/homogeneity matches of objects (i.e., elements, values, tags, attributes) occurring in certain paths of the trees. A local score that takes into account the path and value similarity is given for each heterogeneity/homogeneity found. A global score that summarizes the number of equal matches as well as the local scores globally is also provided. The proposed technique is highly customizable, and it permits the specification of thresholds for the requested degree of similarity for paths and values as well as for the degree of relevance for path and value matching. It thus makes possible to “adjust” the similarity analysis depending on the nature of the input XML trees. SemSynX has been implemented in terms of a XQuery library, as to enhance interoperability with other XML processing tools. To complete our analytical contributions, a comprehensive experimental assessment and evaluation of SemSynX over several classes of XML documents is provided.

99.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez and Antonio Becerra. Automatic Validation of XQuery Programs. The 17th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, ACM Press, 2015, Article 80, Electronic Edition.

Abstract. In this paper we present a tool for the automatic validation of XQuery programs. Firstly, the tool is able to detect wrong paths in XQuery expressions with respect to an XML Schema. Secondly, it makes possible the specification of in- put and output properties, as well as input-output properties (i.e., properties relating input and output data) of programs. Thirdly, the tool is able to filter randomly generated test cases with input properties, as well as to test output and input-output properties on randomly generated test cases and the corresponding output. It reports counterexamples when output or input-output properties are not satisfied. The tool has been implemented as an XQuery library which can be used from any XQuery interpreter.

98.E. Vidal-Fernández, J. A. Piedra-Fernández, J. Almendros-Jiménez, and M. Cantón-Garbín A Location Based Approach to Classification of Mesoscale Oceanic Structures in SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua Images from the North West Africa Area. International Journal of Remote Sensing 36(24), pp. 6135-6159, 2015. Electronic Edition.

Abstract. This study presents a different approach to classification of Mesoscale Oceanic Structures (MOS) present in the North West African Area, based on their location. The main improvement stems from the partition of this area in four large zones perfectly differentiated by their morphological characteristics, with attention to seafloor topography and coastal relief. This decomposition makes it easier to recognize structures under adverse conditions, basically the presence of clouds partly hiding them. This is observed particularly well in upwellings, which are usually very large structures with a different morphology and genesis in each zone. This approach not only improves classification of the upwellings, but also makes it possible to analyze changes in the MOS over time, improving prediction of its morphological evolution.

97.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez and Alfredo Cuzzocrea. Towards Flexible Similarity Analysis of XML Data. On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2015 Workshops Proceedings. LNCS. 9416, pages 573-576, Springer 2015. Electronic Edition

Abstract. The problem of supporting similarity analysis of XML data is a major problem in the data fusion research area. Several approaches have been proposed in literature, but lack of flexibility represents a hard challenge to be faced-off, especially in modern Cloud Computing environments. Inspired by this motivation, we propose SemSynX, a novel technique for supporting similarity analysis of XML data via semantic and syntactic heterogeneity/homogeneity detection. SemSynX retrieves several similarity scores over input XML documents, thus enabling flexible management and “customization” of similarity tools over XML data. In particular, the proposed technique is highly customizable, and it permits the specification of thresholds for the requested degree of similarity for paths and values as well as for the degree of relevance for path and value matching. Also, selection of paths and semantics-based comparison of label content are supported. It thus makes possible to “adjust” the similarity analysis depending on the nature of the input XML documents.

96.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón and Manuel Torres. Aggregation Operators in Geospatial Queries for Open Street Map. On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2015 Conferences Proceedings. LNCS 9415, Springer 2015, pages 501-518. Electronic Edition.

Abstract. One of the most stablished Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) systems is Open Street Map(OSM) offering data from the earth of urban and rural maps. Recently [1], we have presented a library for querying OSM data with the XML query language XQuery. This library is based on the well-known spatial operators defined by Clementini and Egenhofer, providing a repertoire of XQuery functions which encapsulates the search on the XML document representing a layer of OSM, and makes the definition and composition of queries on top of OSM layers easier. This paper goes towards the incorporation in the library of aggregation operators in order to be able to express queries involving data summarization and ranking. A rich repertoire of aggregation operators has been defined which, in combination with the previously proposed library, makes possible to easily formulate aggregation-based queries. Also we present a Web-based tool, called XOSM (XQuery for Open Street Map), developed in our group, that uses the proposed library to query and visualize OSM data.

95. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Miquel Bofill, Alejandro Luna-Tedesqui, Ginés Moreno, Carlos Vázquez, and Mateu Villaret. Fuzzy XPath for the Automatic Search of Fuzzy Formulae Models. International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM 2015). Springer LNCS 9310, pages 385-398, 2015. Electronic Edition.

Abstract. In this paper we deal with propositional fuzzy formulae containing several propositional symbols linked with connectives defined in a lattice of truth degrees more complex than Bool. Instead of focusing on satisfiability (i.e., proving the existence of at least one model) as usually done in a SAT/SMT setting, our interest moves to the problem of finding the whole set of models (with a finite domain) for a given fuzzy formula. We re-use a previous method based on fuzzy logic programming where the formula is conceived as a goal whose derivation tree, provided by our FLOPER tool, contains on its leaves all the models of the original formula, together with other interpretations. Next, we use the ability of the FuzzyXPath tool (developed in our research group with FLOPER) for exploring these derivation trees once exported in XML format, in order to discover whether the formula is a tautology, satisfiable, or a contra- diction, thus reinforcing the bi-lateral synergies between FuzzyXPath and FLOPER.

94. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez and Antonio Becerra-Terón. Property based Testing of XQuery Programs. Proceedings of the XV Spanish Conference on Programming and Computer Languages (PROLE 2015). Electronic Edition.

Abstract: In this paper we present the elements of an XQuery testing tool which makes possible to automatically test XQuery programs. The tool is able to systematically generate XML instances (i.e., test cases) from a given XML schema. The number and type of instances is defined by the human tester. These instances are used to execute the given XQuery program. In addition, the tool makes possible to provide an user defined property to be tested against the output of the XQuery program. The property can be specified with a boolean XQuery function. The tool is implemented as a oracle able to report whether the XQuery program passes the test, that is, all the used test cases satisfy the property, as well as the number of test cases used for testing. In the case of the XQuery program fails in the testing, the tool shows counterexamples found from the test cases. The tool has been implemented as an XQuery library which makes possible to be used from any XQuery interpreter.

93. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez and Antonio Becerra-Terón. Distance based Queries in Open Street Map. 2nd International Workshop on NoSQL Databases, Emerging Database Technologies and Applications. DEXA Workshops. IEEE, pp. 2535-2539, 2015. Electronic Edition.

Abstract: Volunteered geographic information (VGI) makes available a very large resource of geographic data. The exploitation of data coming from such resources requires an additional effort in the form of tools and effective processing techniques. One of the most stablished VGI is Open Street Map (OSM) offering data of urban and rural maps from the earth. Recently [1], we have presented a library for querying OSM data with the XML query language XQuery. This library is based on the well-known spatial operators defined by Clementini and Egenhofer, providing a repertoire of XQuery functions which encapsulate the search on the XML document representing a layer of OSM, and make the definition and composition of queries on top of OSM layers easier. In this paper, we will show how to extend the library in order to express distance based queries. Distances will be used either to get layers of objects in a certain distance from a given object, or to express queries involving closeness concepts.

92. Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez, Luis Iribarne, Jesús J. López-Fernández and Ángel Mora-Segura. PTL: A Model Transformation Language based on Logic Programming. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 85(20), Elsevier, pp. 332-366, 2016. Electronic Edition.

Abstract: In this paper we present a model transformation language based on logic programming. The language, called PTL (Prolog based Transformation Language), can be considered as a hybrid language in which ATL (Atlas Trans- formation Language)-style rules are combined with logic rules for defining transformations. ATL-style rules are used to define mappings from source models to target models while logic rules are used as helpers. The implementation of PTL is based on the encoding of the ATL-style rules by Prolog rules. Thus, PTL makes use of Prolog as a transformation engine. We have provided a declarative semantics to PTL and proved the semantics equivalent to the encoded program. We have studied an encoding of OCL (Object Constraint Language) with Prolog goals in order to map ATL to PTL. Thus a subset of PTL can be considered equivalent to a subset of ATL. The pro- posed language can be also used for model validation, that is, for checking constraints on models and transformations. We have equipped our language with debugging and tracing capabilities which help developers to detect programming errors in PTL rules. Additionally, we have developed an Eclipse plugin for editing PTL programs, as well as for debugging, tracing and validation. Finally, we have evaluated the language with several transformation examples as well as tested the performance with large models.

91. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez and Antonio Becerra-Terón. XQuery Testing from XML Schema based Random Test Cases. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA Springer, LNCS 9262, pages 268-282, 2015. Electronic Edition.

Abstract: In this paper we present the elements of an XQuery testing tool which makes possible to automatically test XQuery programs. The tool is able to systematically generate XML instances (i.e., test cases) from a given XML schema. The number and type of instances is defined by the human tester. These instances are used to execute the given XQuery program. In addition, the tool makes possible to provide an user defined property to be tested against the output of the XQuery program. The property can be specified with a Boolean XQuery function. The tool is implemented as an oracle able to report whether the XQuery program passes the test, that is, all the test cases satisfy the property, as well as the number of test cases used for testing. In the case of the XQuery program fails the testing, the tool shows counterexamples found in the test cases. The tool has been implemented as an XQuery library which makes possible to be used from any XQuery interpreter.

90. Jesús Manuel Almendros-Jiménez, Alejandro Luna Tedesqui, Ginés Moreno. Thresholded Debugging of XPath Queries. FUZZ-IEEE 2015: The 2015 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. pp. 1-9, 2015. Electronic Edition.

Abstract: We have recently designed/implemented a method for debugging XPath queries which produces a set of alternative XPath expressions with higher chances for retrieving answers from XML files. In this paper we focus on the scalability of our debugger for dealing with massive XML documents by making use of the new command FILTER which is intended to prematurely disregard those computations leading to non significant solutions (i.e., with a poor “chance degree” according to the user’s preferences). The key point is the natural capability for performing “dynamic thresholding” enjoyed by the fuzzy logic language used for implementing the tool, which somehow connects with the so-called «top-k answering problem» very well-known in the fuzzy logic and soft computing arenas.

89. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez and Antonio Becerra. Querying Open Street Map with XQuery. 1st International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management, GISTAM 2015. pages 61-71, ScitePress, Electronic Edition.

Abstract: In this paper we present a library for querying Open Street Map (OSM) with XQuery. This library is based on the well-known spatial operators defined by Clementini and Egenhofer, providing a repertoire of XQuery functions which encapsulate the search on the XML document representing a layer of OSM, and make the definition of queries on top of OSM layers easy. In essence, the library provides a repertoire of OSM Operators for points and lines which, in combination with Higher Order facilities of XQuery, facilitates the composition of queries and the definition of keyword based search geo-localized queries. OSM data are indexed by an R-tree structure, in which points and lines are enclosed by Minimum Bounding Rectangles (MBRs), in order to get shorter answer time.

88.Eva Vidal-Fernández, José A. Piedra, Jesús Manuel Almendros-Jiménez and Manuel Cantón. OBIA System for Identifying Mesoscale Oceanic Structures in SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua images. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (3), 2015. Electronic Edition.

Abstract. The ocean covers over 70 percent of the surface of our planet and plays a key role in the global climate. Most ocean circulation is mesoscale (scales of 50-500 km and 10-100 days), and the energy in mesoscale circulation is at least one order of magnitude greater than general circulation, therefore, the study of mesoscale oceanic structures is crucial to ocean dynamics, making it especially useful for analyzing global changes. The detection of Mesoscale Oceanic Structures (MOS), such as upwellings or eddies, from satellites images is significant for marine environmental studies and coastal resource management. In this paper we present an Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) system which segments and classifies regions contained in SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua sensor satellite images into mesoscale oceanic structures. After color clustering and Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) file processing, the OBIA system segments images and extracts image descriptors, producing primary regions. Then it merges regions, recalculating image descriptors for MOS identification and definition. First regions are labeled by a human-expert, who identifies MOS: upwellings, eddies, cool and warm eddies. Labeled regions are then classified by learning algorithms (i.e., Decision Tree, Bayesian Network, Artificial Neural Network, Genetic Algorithm and Near Neighbor Algorithm) from selected features. Finally, the OBIA system enables images to be queried from the user interface and retrieved by means of fuzzy descriptors and oceanic structures. We tested our system with images from the Canary Islands and the North West African coast.

87.Jesús Manuel Almendros-Jiménez. XQOWL: An Extension of XQuery for OWL Querying and Reasoning. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 173, pp. 41-55. 2015. Electronic Edition

Abstract. One of the main aims of the so-called Web of Data is to be able to handle heterogeneous resources where data can be expressed in either XML or RDF. The design of programming languages able to handle both XML and RDF data is a key target in this context. In this paper we present a framework called XQOWL that makes possible to handle XML and RDF/OWL data with XQuery. XQOWL can be considered as an extension of the XQuery language that connects XQuery with SPARQL and OWL reasoners. XQOWL embeds SPARQL queries (via Jena SPARQL engine) in XQuery and enables to make calls to OWL reasoners (HermiT, Pellet and FaCT++) from XQuery. It permits to combine queries against XML and RDF/OWL resources as well as to reason with RDF/OWL data. Therefore input data can be either XML or RDF/OWL and output data can be formatted in XML (also using RDF/OWL XML serialization).

86.Jesús Manuel Almendros-Jiménez, Alejandro Luna, Ginés Moreno. Fuzzy XPath Through Fuzzy Logic Programming. New Generation Computing 33(2): Springer, 173-209 (2015). Electronic Edition.

Abstract. In this paper we present a fuzzy variant of the XPath query language for the flexible information retrieval on XML documents. Our main purpose is to provide a repertoire of operators that offer the possibility of managing satisfaction degrees by adding structural constraints and fuzzy operators inside conditions, in order to produce a ranked sorted list of answers according to user’s preferences when composing queries. By using the FLOPER system designed in our research group, our proposal has been implemented with a fuzzy logic language to take profit of the clear synergies between both target and source fuzzy languages.

85. Jesús Manuel Almendros-Jiménez, Alejandro Luna-Tedesqui and Ginés Moreno. Fuzzy XPath Queries in XQuery. 13th. Intl. Conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics, ODBASE 2014. R. Meersman et al. (Eds.) LNCS 8841, pp. 457–472, 2014. Electronic Edition.

Abstract. We have recently designed a fuzzy extension of the XPath language which provides ranked answers to flexible queries taking profit of fuzzy variants of and, or and avg operators for XPath conditions, as well as two structural constraints, called down and deep, for which a certain degree of relevance is associated. In this work, we describe how to implement the proposed fuzzy XPath with the XQuery language. Basically, we have defined an XQuery library able to fuzzily handle XPath expressions in such a way that our proposed fuzzy XPath can be en- coded as XQuery expressions. The advantages of our approach is that any XQuery processor can handle a fuzzy version of XPath by using the library we have implemented.

84. Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez. Embedding OWL Querying and Reasoning into XQuery. 13th. Intl. Conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics, ODBASE 2014. R. Meersman et al. (Eds.): LNCS 8841, pp. 509–516, 2014. Electronic Edition.

Abstract. In this paper we present a framework called XQOWL that makes possible to handle XML and RDF/OWL data with XQuery. XQ- OWL can be considered as an extension of the XQuery language that connects XQuery with SPARQL and OWL reasoners. XQOWL embeds SPARQL queries (via Jena SPARQL engine) into XQuery and enables to make calls to OWL reasoners (HermiT, Pellet and FaCT++) from XQuery. It permits to combine queries against XML and RDF/OWL resources as well as to reason with RDF/OWL data. Therefore input data can be either XML or RDF/OWL and output data can be formatted in XML (also using RDF/OWL XML serialization).

83. Jesús Manuel Almendros-Jiménez, Alejandro Luna, Ginés Moreno and Carlos Vázquez. Analyzing Fuzzy Logic Computations with Fuzzy XPath. Electronic Communications of the EASST (European Association of Software Science and Technology). Volume 64: Programming and Computer Languages 2013, 2015. Electronic Edition.

Abstract. Implemented with a fuzzy logic language by using the FLOPER tool developed in our research group, we have recently designed a fuzzy dialect of the popular XPath language for the flexible manipulation of XML documents. In this paper we focus on the ability of Fuzzy XPath for exploring derivation trees generated by FLOPER once they are exported in XML format, which somehow serves as a debugging/analyzing tool for discovering the set of fuzzy computed answers for a given goal, performing depth/breadth-first traversals of its associated derivation tree, finding non fully evaluated branches, etc., thus reinforcing the bi-lateral synergies between Fuzzy XPath and FLOPER.

82.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez XQOWL: An Extension of XQuery for OWL Querying and Reasoning. Proceedings of the XIV Spanish Conference on Programming and Computer Languages (PROLE 2014). Electronic Edition.

Abstract. One of the main aims of the so-called Web of Data is to be able to handle heterogeneous resources where data can be expressed in either XML or RDF. The design of programming languages able to handle both XML and RDF data is a key target in this context. In this paper we present a framework called XQOWL that makes possible to handle XML and RDF/OWL data with XQuery. XQOWL can be considered as an extension of the XQuery language that connects XQuery with SPARQL and OWL reasoners. XQOWL embeds SPARQL queries (via Jena SPARQL engine) into XQuery and enables to make calls to OWL reasoners (HermiT, Pellet and FaCT++) from XQuery. It permits to combine queries against XML and RDF/OWL resources as well as to reason with RDF/OWL data. Therefore input data can be either XML or RDF/OWL and output data can be formatted in XML (also using RDF/OWL XML serialization).

81.Jesús Manuel Almendros-Jiménez, Alejandro Luna-Tedesqui and Ginés Moreno. Towards an XQuery-based implementation of Fuzzy XPath Proceedings of the XIV Spanish Conference on Programming and Computer Languages (PROLE 2014). Electronic Edition.

Abstract. We have recently designed a fuzzy extension of the XPath language which provides ranked answers to flexible queries taking profit of fuzzy variants of and, or and avg operators for XPath conditions, as well as two structural constraints, called down and deep, for which a certain degree of relevance is associated. In this work, we describe how to implement the proposed fuzzy XPath with the XQuery language. Basically, we have defined an XQuery library able to fuzzily handle XPath expressions in such a way that our proposed fuzzy XPath can be encoded as XQuery expressions. The advantages of our approach is that any XQuery processor can handle a fuzzy version of XPath by using the library we have implemented.

80.Jesús Manuel Almendros-Jiménez, Luis Iribarne, Jesús J. López-Hernández, Ángel Mora-Segura. An XQuery Based Model Transformation Language. MEDI 2014, 4th International Conference on Model & Data Engineering (MEDI’2014), LNCS 8748, 2014, pp. 330-338,2014. Electronic Edition.

Abstract. In this paper we propose a framework for model transformation in XQuery. With this aim, our framework provides a mechanism for automatically obtaining an XQuery library from a given meta-model. Meta-models are defined as XML schemas, and the XQuery library serves to query and create elements of an XML Schema. Transformations are XQuery programs that use the library to map source models to target models. The framework has been tested with a case study of transformation in UML, where XMI is used to represent models.

79.Jesús Manuel Almendros-Jiménez, Alejandro Luna-Tedesqui and Ginés Moreno. Dynamic Filtering of Ranked Answers When Evaluating Fuzzy XPath Queries. C. Cornelis et al. (eds.): RSCTC 2014, LNAI 8536, pp. 319–330, 2014. Electronic Edition

Abstract: We have recently designed an extension of the XPath language which provides ranked answers to flexible queries taking profit of fuzzy variants of and, or and avg operators for XPath conditions, as well as two structural constraints, called down and deep, for which a certain degree of relevance is associated. In practice, this degree is very low for some answers weakly accomplishing with the original query, and hence, they should not be computed in order to alleviate the computational complexity of the information retrieval process. In this work we focus on the scalability of our interpreter for dealing with massive XML files by making use of its ability for prematurely disregarding those computations leading to non significant solutions (i.e., with a poor degree of relevance according the preferences expressed by users when using the new command FILTER). Since our proposal has been implemented with a fuzzy logic language, here we exploit the high expressive resources of this declarative paradigm for performing “dynamic thresholding” in a very natural and efficient way, thus connecting with the so-called top-k answering problem, which is very well-known in the fuzzy logic and soft computing arena.

78.Jesús Manuel Almendros-Jiménez, Alejandro Luna-Tedesqui and Ginés Moreno. Annotating "Fuzzy Chance Degrees" When Debugging XPath Queries. IWANN 2013. 300-311. Electronic Edition

Abstract: In this paper we present a method for debugging XPath queries which has been implemented with the fuzzy logic language MALP by using the FLOPER tool developed in our group. We describe how XPath expressions can be manipulated for obtaining a set of alternative queries matching a given XML document. For each new proposed query, we give a “chance degree” that represents an estimation on its deviation w.r.t. the initial expression. Our work is focused on providing to the programmers a repertoire of paths which can be used to retrieve answers.

77.Jesús Manuel Almendros-Jiménez, Alejandro Luna-Tedesqui and Ginés Moreno. Analyzing Fuzzy Logic Computations with Fuzzy XPath. Proceedings of the XIII Spanish Conference on Programming and Computer Languages (PROLE 2013). Electronic Edition

Abstract: Implemented with a fuzzy logic language by using the by FLOPER tool developed in our research group, we have recently designed a fuzzy dialect of the popular XPath language for the flexible manipulation of XML documents. In this paper we focus on the ability of Fuzzy XPath for exploring derivation trees generated by FLOPER once they are exported in XML format, which somehow serves as a debugging tool for discovering the set of fuzzy computed answers for a given goal, performing depth/breadth-first traversals of its associated derivation tree, finding non fully evaluated branches, etc., thus reinforcing the bi-lateral synergies between Fuzzy XPath and FLOPER.

76.Jesús Manuel Almendros-Jiménez, Luis Iribarne. A Model Transformation Language Based on Logic Programming. SOFSEM 2013: Theory and Practice of Computer Science. LNCS 7741. Springer, 382-394. Electronic Edition

Abstract. In this paper we present a model transformation language based on logic programming. The language, called PTL (Prolog based Transformation Language), can be considered as a hybrid language in which ATL-style rules are combined with logic rules for defining transformations. The proposal has been implemented so that a Prolog program is automatically obtained from a PTL program. We have equipped our language with debugging and tracing capabilities which help developers to detect programming errors in PTL rules.

75.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Luis Domene, and José A. Piedra-Fernández A Framework for Ocean Satellite Image Classification Based on Ontologies. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing Vol. 6, NO. 2, April 2013. Electronic Edition.

Abstract: In this paper we present a framework for ocean image classification based on ontologies. With this aim, we will describe how low and high level content of ocean satellite images can be modeled with an ontology. In addition, we will show how the image classification can be modeled with the ontology in which decision tree based classifiers and rule-based expert systems are represented. Particularly, the rule based expert systems include rules about low-level features (called training and labeling rules), and rules defined from the labeling (called human expert rules). The modeling with the ontology provides an extensible framework in which accommodate several methods of image classification. One of the main aims of our proposal is to provide a mechanism to share data about image classification between applications. We have developed an extensible Protégé plugin to classify images

74.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez and Luis Iribarne. PTL: A Prolog-based Model Transformation Language, Proceedings of the XII Spanish Conference on Programming and Computer Languages (PROLE 2012). Electronic Edition

Abstract:In this paper we present a model transformation language based on logic programming. The language, called PTL (Prolog-based Transformation Language), can be considered as an hybrid language in which ATL-style rules are combined with logic rules for defining transformations. ATL-style rules are used to define mappings from source models to target models while logic rules are used as helpers. The proposal has been implemented so that a Prolog program is automatically obtained from a PTL program. We have equipped our language with debugging and tracing capabilities which help developers to detect programming errors in PTL rules.

73.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez and Luis Iribarne. Transformation and Validation with SWRL and OWL of ODM-Based Models. A. Abelló, L. Bellatreche, and B. Benatallah (Eds.): 2th International Conference on Model & Data Engineering MEDI 2012, LNCS 7602, pp. 103–115, 2012. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012. Electronic Version.

Abstract: In this paper we present an approach for the specification of transformations and validations of ODM models. Adopting a SWRL/OWL based approach we will show how transform and validate models. Model-to-model transformations are described with SWRL rules, and validation of source and target models is achieved by SWRL.

72.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez. OWL RL in Logic Programming: Querying, Reasoning and Inconsistency Explanations. A. Bikakis and A. Giurca (Eds.): RuleML 2012, LNCS 7438, pp. 248–255, 2012. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012.Electronic Version.

Abstract: In this paper we describe a logic programming based implementation of the OWL 2 RL fragment. We show how goals are used for querying, forward reasoning permits to infer new knowledge, and ontology inconsistency is handled by backward reasoning, where explanations and (minimal) justifications are given to inconsistent ontologies.

71.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez and Luis Iribarne, Model Validation in Ontology Based Transformations. J. Silva and and F. Tiezzi (Eds.): Workshop on Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems (WWV 2012) EPTCS 98, 2012, pp. 17–30.Electronic Version.

Abstract: Model Driven Engineering (MDE) is an emerging approach of software engineering. MDE emphasizes the construction of models from which the implementation should be derived by applying model transformations. The Ontology Definition Meta-model (ODM) has been proposed as a profile for UML models of the Web Ontology Language (OWL). In this context, transformations of UML models can be mapped into ODM/OWL transformations. On the other hand, model validation is a crucial task in model transformation. Meta-modeling permits to give a syntactic structure to source and target models. However, semantic requirements have to be imposed on source and target models. A given transformation will be sound when source and target models fulfill the syntactic and semantic requirements. In this paper, we present an approach for model validation in ODM based transformations. Adopting a logic programming based transformational approach we will show how it is possible to transform and validate models. Properties to be validated range from structural and semantic requirements of models (pre and post conditions) to properties of the transformation (invariants). The approach has been applied to a well-known example of model transformation: the Entity-Relationship (ER) to Relational Model (RM) transformation.

70.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Alejandro Luna, and Ginés Moreno. A XPath Debugger Based on Fuzzy Chance Degrees. P. Herrero et al. (Eds.): OTM 2012 Workshops, LNCS 7567, pp. 669–672, 2012. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012. Electronic Version.

Abstract: We describe how we can manipulate an XPath expression in order to obtain a set of alternative XPath expressions that match to a given XML document. For each alternative XPath expression we will give a chance degree that represents the degree in which the expression deviates from the initial expression. Thus, our work is focused on providing the programmer a repertoire of paths that (s)he can use to retrieve answers. The approach has been implemented and tested.

69.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez. Using OWL and SWRL for the Semantic Analysis of XML Resources. R. Meersman et al. (Eds.): OTM 2012, Part II, LNCS 7566, pp. 911–927, 2012. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012.Electronic Version.

Abstract: In this paper we describe how to analyze the semantic content of XML documents. With this aim, XML resources are mapped into an OWL ontology and SWRL rules are used for specifying XML semantic content. We have implemented and tested the approach. The implementation is based on a semantic web library for XQuery which includes primitives for mapping XML into OWL, and for specifying and executing SWRL.

68.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez. Validation of XML Documents with SWRL. G. Quirchmayr et al. (Eds.): CD-ARES 2012, LNCS 7465, pp. 44–57, 2012. IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2012. Electronic Version.

Abstract: In this paper we describe how XML documents are mapped into an OWL ontology and how SWRL rules are used to validate the semantic content of XML documents. XML completion and data constraints are specified with SWRL. The semantic completion of the XML document can be mapped into a semantic completion of the corresponding ontology. Besides, SWRL serves for specifying and reasoning with data constraints. We will illustrate our approach with an example that shows that user intervention is vital to XML mapping and completion and SWRL helps to detect relevant data constraints. The approach has been tested with the well-known Protégé tool.

67.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Rafael Caballero, Yolanda García-Ruiz, and Fernando Sáenz-Pérez. A Declarative Embedding of XQuery in a Functional-Logic Language. G. Vidal (Ed.): LOPSTR 2011, LNCS 7225, pp. 42–56, 2012. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012. Electronic Version.

Abstract: This paper addresses the problem of integrating a fragment of XQuery, a language for querying XML documents, into the functional logic language TOY. The queries are evaluated by an interpreter, and the declarative nature of the proposal allows us to prove correctness and completeness with respect to the semantics of the subset of XQuery considered. The different fragments of XML that can be produced by XQuery expressions are obtained using the non-deterministic features of functional-logic languages. As an application of this proposal we show how the typical generate and test techniques of logic languages can be used for generating test-cases for XQuery expressions.

66.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Alejandro Luna and Ginés Moreno. Fuzzy Logic Programming for Implementing a Flexible XPath-based Query Language. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 282 (2012) 3–18. Electronic Version.

Abstract: FLOPER is the “Fuzzy LOgic Programming Environment for Research” designed in our research group for assisting the development of real-world applications where fuzzy logic might play an important role. This is the case of our recently proposed extension for the popular XPath query language in order to handle flexible queries which provide ranked answers, fuzzy variants of operators and, or and avg for XPath conditions, as well as two structural constraints, called down and deep, for which a certain degree of relevance can be associated.

65.J.M. Almendros-Jiménez, R. Caballero, Y. García-Ruiz and F. Sáenz-Pérez. XPath Query Processing in a Functional-Logic Language. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 282 (2012) 19–34. Electronic Version.

Abstract: XPath is a well-known query language for finding and extracting information from XML documents.This paper shows how the characteristics of this domain-specific language fits very well into the functional-logic paradigm. The proposed framework allows the user to write XPath-like queries as first-class citizens of the functional-logic language TOY, using higher-order combinators for constructing the queries and non-determinism in order to obtain the different answers that XPath queries can return. The result is a very good example of cross-fertilization of two different areas. In the case of TOY, the users can now integrate XML queries in their programs without using any external library or ad hoc interface. In the case of XPath, the use of higher-order patterns allow us to define functions for easily processing the queries. In particular, the paper shows how to trace and debug erroneous queries, and how to detect that a query is a refinement of another query, which can be useful for improving the efficiency of query processing.

64.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Josep Silva and Salvador Tamarit. XQuery Optimization Based on Program Slicing. ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM’11, October 24–28, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. ACM, 2011. Electronic Version.

Abstract: XQuery has become the standard query language for XML. The efforts put on this language have produced mature and efficient implementations of XQuery processors. However, in practice the efficiency of XQuery programs is strongly dependent on the ability of the programmer to combine different queries which often affect several XML sources that in turn can be distributed in different branches of the organization. Therefore, techniques to reduce the amount of data loaded and also to reduce the intermediate structures computed by queries is a necessity. In this work we propose a novel technique that allows the programmer to automatically optimize a query in such a way that unnecessary intermediate computations are avoided, and, in addition, it identifies the paths in the source XML documents that are really required to resolve the query.

63.Luis Iribarne, Nicolas Padilla, José Andrés Asensio, Javier Criado, Rosa Ayala, Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, and Massimo Menenti. Open-Environmental Ontology Modeling. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and Humans. Vol. 41, No. 4, JULY 2011. Electronic Version.

Abstract: Current open information systems need formal semantic definitions to describe and handle information which is dealt within different interaction environments such as human-to-human, human-to-computer, and computer-to-computer interactions. This paper provides a semantic definition of the knowledge used by environmental management information systems. We describe an ontological model in UML class diagrams and present a formalization of the ontology in first-oder logic and encoded in description logic. A model transformation approach is also used to map the UML class diagram elements into web ontology language. A running example is presented to explain the ontological knowledge modeling of EMIS SOLERES cartography and satellite information.

62.Jesus M. Almendros-Jiménez, Rafael Caballero, Yolanda García-Ruiz and Fernando Sáenz-Pérez, XQuery in the Functional-Logic Language Toy. H. Kuchen (Ed.): WFLP 2011, LNCS 6816, pp. 35–51, Springer-Verlag, 2011. Electronic Version.

Abstract: This paper presents an encoding of the XML query language XQuery in the functional-logic language T OY. The encoding is based on the definition of for-let-where-return constructors by means of T OY functions, and uses the recently proposed XPath implementation for this language as a basis. XQuery expressions can be executed in T OY obtaining sequences of XML elements as answers. Our setting exploits the non-deterministic nature of T OY by retrieving the elements of the XML tree once at a time when necessary. We show that one of the advantages of using a rewriting-based language for implementing XQuery is that it can be used for optimizing XQuery expressions by query rewriting. With this aim, XQuery expressions are converted into higher order patterns that can be analyzed and modified by T OY functions.

61Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez and Luis Iribarne. ODM-based UML Model Transformations using Prolog. Proceedings of MELO 2011 - Model-Driven Engineering, Logic and Optimization: friends or foes?, 2011.

Abstract. In this paper we present a framework for the specification of model transformations by means of Prolog rules, using the ODM representation of UML models. In addition, Prolog rules are also used for the validation of source and target models w.r.t. their ODM based metamodels. We have validated our proposal by means of a prototype developed under SWI-Prolog.

60.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Alejandro Luna, and Ginés Moreno. A Flexible XPath-Based Query Language Implemented with Fuzzy Logic Programming. N. Bassiliades et al. (Eds.): RuleML 2011 - Europe, LNCS 6826, pp. 186–193. Springer-Verlag, 2011. Electronic Version.

Abstract: In this paper we present an extension of the XPath query language for the handling of flexible queries. In order to provide ranked answers, our approach proposes fuzzy variants of and, or and avg operators for XPath conditions, as well as two structural constraints, called down and deep, for which a certain degree of relevance is associated. Our proposal has been implemented with a fuzzy logic language to take profit of the clear sinergies between both target and source fuzzy languages.

59.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón, and Francisco García-García. XPath for Querying GML-Based Representation of Urban Maps. B. Murgante et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2011, Part I, LNCS 6782, pp. 177–191, 2011. Springer-Verlag. Electronic Version.

Abstract. Geography Markup Language (GML) has been established as the standard language for the transport, storage and modelling of geographic information. In this paper we study how to adapt the XPath query language to GML documents. With this aim, we have defined a XPath based query language which handles the “semantic structure” of GML. Our approach focuses on querying urban maps whose representation is based on GML. We have developed a system called UALGIS, in order to implement the approach. Such system stores GML documents by means of the PostGIS RDBMS. In order to execute semantic-based XPath queries we have defined a translation of the queries into SQL. Such translation takes into account the GML schema. Finally, the system allows to visualize the result. With this aim, the result of a query is exported to the Keyhole Markup Language (KML) format.

58.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez. A Prolog library for OWL RL. Proceedings of Logic in Databases, LID 2011 pages: 49-56, ACM Press, 2011. Electronic Version.

Abstract: In this paper we describe the development of a Prolog library for OWL RL. OWL RL has been recently proposed by the W3C consortium as a fragment of OWL 2 for which reasoning can be done efficiently. In this context, we have studied how to implement a Prolog library based on OWL RL. By means of Prolog rules we are able to infer new knowledge from a given ontology. The OWL RL library has been implemented under the SWI-Prolog interpreter and is based on the RDF library provided by the SWI-Prolog environment, in such a way that OWL triples are computed and stored in secondary memory.

57.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Alejandro Luna, and Ginés Moreno. Fuzzy Logic Programming for Implementing a Flexible XPath-based Query Language. Proceedings of the XI Spanish Conference on Programming and Computer Languages (PROLE 2011).

Abstract: FLOPER is the “Fuzzy LOgic Programming Environment for Research” designed in our research group for assisting the development of real-world applications where fuzzy logic might play an important role. This is the case of our recently proposed extension for the popular XPath query language in order to handle flexible queries which provide ranked answers, fuzzy variants of operators and, or and avg for XPath conditions, as well as two structural constraints, called down and deep, for which a certain degree of relevance can be associated.

56.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Josep Silva and Salvador Tamari. Projecting and Pruning XQuery Using Dependence Graphs. Proceedings of the XI Spanish Conference on Programming and Computer Languages (PROLE 2011).

Abstract: XQuery has become the standard query language for XML. The efforts put on this language have produced mature and efficient implementations of XQuery processors. However, in practice the efficiency of XQuery programs is strongly dependent on the ability of the programmer to combine different queries which often affect several XML sources that in turn can be distributed in different branches of the organization. Therefore, techniques to reduce the amount of data loaded and also to reduce the intermediate structures computed by queries is a necessity. In this work we propose a novel technique that allows the programmer to automatically optimize a query in such a way that unnecessary intermediate computations are avoided, and, in addition, it identifies the paths in the source XML documents that are really required to resolve the query.

55.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Rafael Caballero, Yolanda García-Ruíz and Fernándo Sáenz-Pérez. XPath Query Processing in a Functional-Logic Language, Proceedings of the XI Spanish Conference on Programming and Computer Languages (PROLE 2011).

Abstract: XPath is a well-known query language for ending and extracting information from XML documents. This paper shows how the characteristics of this domain-specific language ts very well into the functional-logic paradigm. The proposed framework allows the user to write XPath-like queries as first-class citizens of the functional-logic language TOY, using higher-order combinators for constructing the queries and non-determinism in order to obtain the different answers that XPath queries can return. The result is a very good example of cross-fertilization of two different areas. In the case of TOY, the users can now integrate XML queries in their programs without using any external library or ad hoc interface. In the case of XPath, the use of higher-order patterns allow us to define functions for easily processing the queries. In particular, the paper shows how to trace and debug erroneous queries, and how to detect that a query is a refinement of another query, which can be useful for improving the efficiency of query processing.

54.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez. Querying and Reasoning with RDF(S)/OWL in XQuery. Advanced Techniques on XML Data Management (XML-DM 2011). X. Du et al. (Eds.): APWeb 2011, LNCS 6612, pp. 450–459, 2011.[pdf] Electronic Version

Abstract:In this paper we investigate how to use the XQuery language for querying and reasoning with RDF(S)/OWL-style ontologies. Our proposal allows the handling of RDF(S)/OWL triples by means of a XQuery libraryfor the Semantic Web, and it encodes RDF(S)/OWL reasoning by means of XQuery functions. We have tested and implemented the approach.

53.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez. A Prolog-based Query Language for OWL. Electronic Notes on Theoretical Computer Science (271), 3–22, 2011.[pdf] Electronic Version.

Abstract:In this paper we investigate how to use logic programming (in particular, Prolog) as query language against OWL resources. Our query language will be able to retrieve data and meta-data about a given OWL based ontology. With this aim, firstly, we study how to define a query language based on a fragment of Description Logic, then we show how to encode the defined query language into Prolog by means of logic rules and finally, we identify Prolog goals which correspond to queries.

52.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez. Extending XQuery for Semantic Web Reasoning. Selected Papers of the Proceedings of the International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, S. Abreu and D. Seipel (Eds.): INAP 2009, LNAI 6547, pp. 117–134, 2011.[pdf] Electronic Version

Abstract:In this paper we investigate an extension of the XQuery language for querying and reasoning with OWL-style ontologies. The proposed extension incorporates new primitives (i.e. boolean operators) in XQuery for the querying and reasoning with OWL-style triples in such a way that XQuery can be used as query language for the Semantic Web.In addition, we propose a Prolog-based implementation of the extension.

51.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez, Jose A. Piedra and M. Cantón. Ontology-based Modeling of Ocean Satellite Images, 3rd World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2010, Knowledge Management, Information Systems, E-learning and Sustainability Research, Lecture Notes in Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volumen III, pages 8-12, 2010. [pdf] Electronic Version

Abstract:In this paper we will define an ontology about the semantic content of ocean satellite images in which we are able to represent types of ocean structures, spatial and morphological concepts, and knowledge about measures of temperature, chlorophyll concentration, among others. Such ontology will provide the basis of a classification system based on the low-level features of images. We have tested our approach using the Protegé semantic web tool.

50.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez. A Prolog-based Query Language for OWL. X Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE 2010, Valencia, Spain,2010. [pdf]

Abstract: In this paper we investigate how to use logic programming (in particular, Prolog) as query language against OWL resources. Our query language will be able to retrieve data and meta-data about a given OWL based ontology. With this aim, firstly, we study how to define a query language based on a fragment of Description Logic, then we show how to encode the defined query language into Prolog by means of logic rules and finally, we identify Prolog goals which correspond to queries.

49.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez and Luis Iribarne. A Model Transformation Approach based on Prolog and Ontologies, X Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE 2010, Valencia, Spain, 2010.[pdf]

Abstract. In this paper we present a framework for the specification of model transformations by means Prolog rules, using the representation of UML models by means of an ontology. Our approach will be applied to a well-known example of model transformation in which a UML class diagram representing a database (as an entity-relationship diagram) is transformed into a UML diagram representing a relational database. We have validated our proposal by means of a prototype developed under SWI-Prolog.

48.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez, Antonio Becerra Terón and Francisco García-García. Development of a Query Language for GML based on XPath. 6th International Workshop on Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems, WWv 2010, Vienna, Austria, 2010.[pdf]

Abstract. Geography Markup Language (GML) has been established as the standard language for the transport, storage and modeling of geographic information. In this paper we study how to adapt the XPath query language to GML documents. With this aim, we have defined a semantic based XPath language which is not based on the {\it (tree-based) syntactic structure of GML documents, instead it is based on the ``semantic structure'' of GML documents. In other words, the proposed XPath language is based on the GML schema. We have developed a system called UALGIS, in order to implement the approach. Such system stores GML documents by means of the PostGIS RDBMS. In order to execute semantic-based XPath queries we have defined a translation of the queries into SQL. Such translation takes into account the GML schema. Finally, the system allows to visualize the result. With this aim, the result of a query is exported to the Keyhole Markup Language (KML) format.

47.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez, José A. Piedra and Manuel Cantón. An Ontology-based Modeling of an Ocean Sattelite Image Retrieval System, Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS, pages 2237 - 2240, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2010. [pdf] Electronic Version

Abstract. In this work we present the elements of the architecture of a satellite image retrieval system. In order to have a flexible and dynamic image retrieval system we have designed an architecture which integrates Web technologies with modern pattern recognition systems applied to satellite images. Our proposal aims to develop a satellite image retrieval system in which the kind of image, sensor, satellite, together with the kind of machine learning algorithms can be customized by the system user. More concretely, image, sensor and satellite features can be imported, updated and exported, and the algorithms can be imported, refined, improved and exported from the system. In order to equip the system with importing and exporting capabilities, well-known Web technologies are used: the XML (Extensible Markup Language) for data exchange, and the Web Ontology Language (OWL) for machine learning algorithms exchange.

46.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Luis Iribarne, José Andrés Asensio, Nicolás Padilla and Cristina Vicente-Chicote. An Eclipse GMF Tool for Modelling User Interaction, M.D. Lytras et al. (Eds.): WSKS 2009, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, no. 5736, pages 405–416, 2009.[pdf] Electronic Version

Abstract: Model-Driven Development (MDD) has encouraged the use of automated software tools that facilitate the development process from modelling to coding. User Interfaces (UI), as a significant part of most applications, should also be modelled using a MDD perspective. This paper presents an Eclipse GMF tool for modelling user-interaction diagrams --an specialization of the UML state-machines for UI design-- as a means for describing the behaviour of user interfaces.

45.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez, Editor. Preface, Selected Papers of the Proceedings of the Eighth Spanish Conference on Programming and Computer Languages (PROLE’08) Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 248, pages 1-184 (5 August 2009), 2009.[link]

44.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez. A rule-based implementation of XQuery. Proceedings of the IX Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE‘09, Paqui Lucio, Ginés Moreno, Ricardo Peña Editors, pages 77-87, 2009.[pdf]

Abstract: In this paper we describe the implementation of the XQuery language using logic programming (in particular, by means of Prolog). Such implementation has been developed using the Prolog interpreter SWI-Prolog. Firstly, a XML document can be loaded by means of the XML library of SWI-Prolog. Secondly, a query expressed in XQuery against the given XML document can be encoded by means of rules. Such Prolog rules are executed in order to obtain the answer (which is also a XML document) of the query.

43.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez. An Encoding of XQuery in Prolog. Proceedings of the Sixth International XML Database Symposium XSym’09, at VLDB'09, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no 5679, pages 145-155, 2009.[pdf] Electronic Version

Abstract: In this paper we describe the implementation of the XQuery language using logic programming (in particular, by means of Prolog). Such implementation has been developed using the Prolog interpreter SWI-Prolog. Firstly, a XML document can be loaded by means of the XML library of SWI-Prolog. Secondly, a query expressed in XQuery against the given XML document can be encoded by means of rules. Such Prolog rules are executed in order to obtain the answer (which is also a XML document) of the query.

42.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez and Luis Iribarne. UML Modeling of User and Database Interaction. Computer Journal, 52(3):348-367, Elsevier Science, 2009.[pdf] Electronic Version

Abstract:In this paper, we will present a design technique for user and database interaction based on UML. User interaction will be modeled by means of UML state diagrams and database interaction by means of UML sequence diagrams. The proposed design technique establishes how to integrate both diagrams in order to describe the user interface and database interaction of a business software system. A case study of a Internet Book Shopping system will be shown to illustrate the proposal.

41.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez. A Query Language for OWL based on Logic Programming. 5th Int'l Workshop on Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems, WWv’09, 2009.[pdf]

Abstract: In this paper we investigate how to use logic programming (in particular, Prolog) as query language against OWL resources. Our query language will be able to retrieve data and meta-data about a given OWL based ontology. With this aim, firstly, we study how to define a query language based on a fragment of Description Logic, after we show how to encode the defined query language into Prolog by means of logic rules and finally, we identify Prolog goals which correspond to queries.

40.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez. Ontology Querying and Reasoning with XQuery. Proceedings of the PLAN-X 2009: Programming Language Techniques for XML, An ACM SIGPLAN Workshop co-located with POPL 2009. [pdf]

Abstract: In this paper we investigate an extension of XQuery for querying and reasoning with OWL-style ontologies. The proposed extension adds new primitives (i.e. boolean operators) in XQuery for querying OWL-style triples in such a way that XQuery can be used as query language for OWL. We also study how to implement the cited extension of XQuery into logic programming.

39.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón and Francisco Javier Enciso-Baños. Integrating XQuery and Logic Programming. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Aplications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, INAP’07 and 21th Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming, WLP’07, D. Seipel, M. Hanus, and A. Wolf (Eds.) Lecture Notes in Artifical Intelligence 5437, pages 117–135, Springer-Verlag, 2009.[pdf] Electronic Version

Abstract. In this paper we investigate how to integrate the XQuery language and logic programming. With this aim, we represent XML documents by means of a logic program. This logic program represents the document schema by means of rules and the document itself by means of facts. Now, XQuery expressions can be integrated into logic programming by considering a translation from for-let-where-return expressions into logic rules and a goal.

38.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez and Luis Iribarne. A Framework for Model Tranformation in Logic Programming, Proceedings of the VIII Jornadas de Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE'08, Ed. Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez y Maria José Suárez Cabal, 2008.[pdf]

Abstract: In this paper we will present a framework for using logic programming (in particular, Prolog) for specifying model transformations in the context of UML. Our approach describes how the UML metamodel can be represented in Prolog, and how model transformations can be expressed by means of Prolog rules. It uses rules for specifying queries in source models and rules for expressing how to build the target model. Therefore we can distinguish between a {\it model query language} and a {\it transformation language}.Our approach will be applied to a well-known example of model transformation in which a UML class diagram for a database can be transformed into a UML diagram representing a relational database.

37.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez and Luis Iribarne. An Extension of UML for the Modeling of WIMP User Interfaces. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 19(6), Elsevier Science, pages 695–720, 2008. [pdf] Electronic Version

Abstract: The Unified Modeling Language (UML) provides system architects working on analysis and design (A&D) with one consistent language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems, as well as for the business modeling. The user interface (UI), as a significant part of most applications, should be modeled using UML, and automatic CASE tools may help to generate user interfaces from UML designs. In this paper, we describe how to use and specialize UML diagrams in order to describe the user interfaces of a software system based on WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointers). Use case diagrams are used for extracting the main user interfaces. Use cases are described by means of user-interaction diagrams, a special kind of activity diagrams in which states represent data output actions and transitions represent data input events. Input and output interactions in the user-interaction diagrams help the designer to extract the user interface components used in each user interface. We obtain a new and specialized version of the use case diagram for the user interface modeling (called user-interface diagram) and a class diagram for UI components ---called UI-class diagram. The user-interaction, user-interface and UI-class diagrams, can be seen as the UML-based user interface models of the system. Finally, UI prototypes can be generated from UI-class diagrams with CASE tool support. As case study of our technique, we will describe an Internet book shopping system.

36.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez. A RDF Query Language based on Logic Programming. Proceedings of the 3rd Int'l Workshop on Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems, Electronic Notes on Theoretical Computer Science, 200(3), pages 67-85, 2008. [pdf] Electronic Version

Abstract: In this paper we investigate an extension of XQuery for querying (and inferring) from RDF documents. Following a graph based approach for specifying queries against RDF, XQuery is extended with construction of answers and boolean predicates for RDF entailment relationship inference. We will also study how to implement it in logic programming by using logic rules for executing RDF/XQuery queries.

35.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez, Antonio Becerra Terón and Francisco Javier Enciso Baños. Querying XML Documents in Logic Programming, Journal of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 8(3), 323-361, Elsevier Science, 2008. [pdf] Electronic Version

Abstract. Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a simple, very flexible text format derived from SGML. Originally designed to meet the challenges of large-scale electronic publishing, XML is also playing an increasingly important role in the exchange of a wide variety of data on the Web and elsewhere. XPath language is the result of an effort to provide address parts of an XML document. In support of this primary purpose, it becomes in a query language against an XML document. In this paper we present a proposal for the implementation of the XPath language in logic programming. With this aim we describe the representation of XML documents by means of a logic program. Rules and facts can be used for representing the document schema and the XML document itself. In particular, we will present how to index XML documents in logic programs: rules is supposed to be stored in main memory, however facts are stored in secondary memory by using two kind of indexes: one for each XML tag, and other for each group of terminal items. In addition, we study how to query by means of the XPath language against a logic program representing an XML document. It evolves the specialization of the logic program with regard to the XPath expression. Finally, we will also explain how to combine the indexing and the top-down evaluation of the logic program.

34.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez. An Extended Relational Algebra for Declarative Programming, Proceedings of the VII Jornadas de Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE’07, pages 27-36, Ed. Ernesto Pimentel, Zaragoza, Thomson, 2007.[pdf]

Abstract. Relational algebra is a well-known formalism for expressing queries against a relational database. In this paper we will present a relational algebra for declarative languages. It is based in the use of the operators of projection, selection, renaming, cross product, union and join. This relational algebra can be used for defining predicates and functions for a declarative language, and in general for defining clauses and rewriting rules. Finally, we will present a SQL-based syntax based on this relational algebra.

33.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra-Terón and Francisco Javier Enciso-Baños. Integrating XQuery and Logic Programming. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Aplications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management, INAP’07 and 21th Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming, WLP’07, Technical Report 434, Dietmar Seipel, Michael Hanus, Armin Wolf, Joachim Baumeister Eds. pages 136-147, October, University of Wurzburg, Germany, 2007.[pdf] Electronic Version

Abstract. In this paper we investigate how to integrate the XQuery language and logic programming. With this aim, we represent XML documents by means of a logic program. This logic program represents the document schema by means of rules and the document itself by means of facts. Now, XQuery expressions can be integrated into logic programming by considering a translation from for-let-where-return expressions into logic rules and a goal.

32.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez and German Vidal. Automatic Partial Inversion of Inductively Sequential Functions. Implementation and Aplications of Functional Languages, Selected Papers of the IFL’06, Z. Horvath, V. Zsok, and A. Butterfield (Eds.): Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag No. 4449, pp. 253–270, 2007. [Electronic Edition][pdf]

Abstract. We introduce a new partial inversion technique for first-order functional programs. Our technique is simple, fully automatic, and (when it succeeds) returns a program that belongs to the same class of the original program, namely the class of inductively sequential programs (i.e., typical functional programs). To ease the definition, our method proceeds in a stepwise manner: normalisation (introduction of let expressions), proper inversion, and removal of let expressions. Furthermore, it can easily be implemented. Therefore, it forms an appropriate basis for developing a practically applicable transformation tool. Preliminary experiments with a prototype implementation of the partial inverter demonstrates the usefulness and viability of our approach.

31.Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez and Luis Iribarne. User Interaction and Interface Design with UML. "Visual Languages for Interactive Computing: Definitions and Formalizations, Chapter XVI", edited by Dr. Fernando Ferri, Information Science Reference, IGI Global, pages 324-352, 2007. [Buy Book]

Abstract: The Unified Modeling Language (UML) [1] provides system architects working on analysis and design (A&D) with one consistent language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems, as well as for the business modeling. The user interface (UI), as a significant part of most applications, should also be modeled using UML. In this paper, we describe how to use and specialize UML diagrams in order to describe the user interfaces of a software system. Use case diagrams are used for extracting the main user interfaces. Use cases are described by means of user-interaction diagrams, an special kind of activity diagrams in which states represent data output actions and transitions represents data input events. Input and output interactions in the user-interaction diagrams help the designer to extract the Graphical User Interface (GUI) components used in each user interface. A new and specialized version of the use case diagram for representing the user interface design —called user-interface diagram— and a class diagram for GUI components —called GUI-class diagram— are obtained. The user-interaction, user-interface and GUI-class diagrams, can be seen as the UML-based User Interface models of the system. Finally, GUI prototypes can be generated from GUI-class diagrams. As case study of our technique, we will describe an Internet book shopping system.

30.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez, Antonio Becerra Terón and Francisco Javier Enciso-Baños. Magic Sets for the XPath Language, Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 12, No. 11, pp. 1651-1678, 2006. [Electronic Edition][pdf]

Abstract. The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is considered as the format of choice for the exchange of information among various applications on the Internet. Since XML is emerging as a standard for data exchange, it is natural that queries among applications should be expressed as queries against data in XML format. This use gives rise to a requirement for a query language expressly designed for XML resources. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) convened to create the XQuery language, concretely, a typed functional language for querying XML documents. One key aspect of the XQuery language is the use of the XPath language as basis for handling the structure of an XML document. In this paper, we present a proposal for the representation of XML documents by means of a logic program. Rules and facts can be used for representing the document schema and the XML document itself. In addition, we study how to query by means of the XPath language against a logic program representing an XML document. It evolves the specialization of the logic program with regard to the XPath expression. This specialization technique is based on the well-known transformation technique called Magic Sets and studied for deductive databases. The b ottom-up evaluation of the sp ecialized program is used for answering the query in the XPath language.

29.Antonio Corral and Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez, A performance comparison of distance-based query algorithms using R-trees in spatial databases. Journal of Information Sciences 177, pp. 2207–2237, Elsevier Sciences, 2007. [Electronic Edition][pdf]

Abstract. Efficient processing of distance-based queries (DBQs) is of great importance in spatial databases due to the wide area of applications that may address such queries. The most representative and known DBQs are the K Nearest Neighbors Query (KNNQ), q Distance Range Query (qDRQ), K Closest Pairs Query (KCPQ) and q Distance Join Query (qDJQ). In this paper, we propose new pruning mechanism to apply them in the design of new Recursive Best-First Search (RBFS) algorithms for DBQs between spatial objects indexed in R-trees. RBFS is a general search algorithm that runs in linear space and expands nodes in best-first order, but it can suffer from node re-expansion overhead (i.e. to expand nodes in best-first order, some nodes can be considered more than once). The R-tree and its variations are commonly cited spatial access methods that can be used for answering such spatial queries. Moreover, an exhaustive experimental study was also included using R-trees, which resulted to several conclusions about the efficiency of proposed RBFS algorithm and its com parison with respect to other search algorithms (Best-First Search (BFS) and Depth-First Branch-and-Bound (DFBnB)), in terms of disk accesses, response time and main memory requirements, taking into account several important parameters as maximum branching factor (Cmax), cardinality of the final query result (K), distance threshold (q) and size of a global LRU buffer (B). In general RBFS is competitive for KNNQ and KCPQ where the maximum branching factor (Cmax) is large enough (even better than DFBnB and very close to BFS), and it is a good alternative when we have main memory limitations in our computer due to high process overload in our system, since it is linear space consuming with respect to the height of the R-trees. Nevertheless, RBFS is the worst alternative for qDRQ and qDJQ. DFBnB is also a linear space algorithm and it obtains the same behavior as BFS for qDRQ and qDJQ; and it is the best when an LRU buffer was included. Finally, we have been able to check experimentally that BFS is the best for all DBQs, but it can consume many main memory resources to perform spatial queries.

28.Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez and Luis Iribarne. Describing Use Cases by means of Sequence Diagrams. The Computer Journal, 50(1), Oxford University Press, 2007. [Electronic Edition][pdf]

Abstract: One of the key tools of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) for behaviour modeling is the Use Case model. The behaviour of a use case can be described by means of interaction diagrams (sequence and collaboration), activity charts and states diagrams, or by pre-conditions and post-conditions, as well as natural language text, where appropriate. In this paper we present a technique for describing use cases by mean of sequence diagrams. It compares sequence diagrams in order to define sequence diagram relationships for identifying and defining use case relationships. The paper uses an ATM system case study to illustrate our proposal.

27.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez and German Vidal. Automatic Partial Inversion of Inductively Sequential Functions. Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium of Implementation and Aplications of Functional Languages, IFL’06, Ed. Zoltan Horvath and Viktoria Zsok, Budapest, Hungary, 2006, Technical Report No: 2006-S01, pages 473-483.[pdf]

Abstract. We introduce a new partial inversion technique for first-order functional programs. Our technique is simple, fully automatic, and (when it succeeds) returns a program that belongs to the same class of the original program, namely the class of inductively sequential programs (i.e., typical functional programs). Therefore, it forms an appropriate basis for developing a practically applicable transformation.

26.Jesus M. Almendros Jimenez, Antonio Becerra Teron, Francisco Javier Enciso Baños. XQuery within Logic Programming, Proceedings of the VI Jornadas de Programacin y Lenguajes, PROLE’06, pages 171-194, Ed. Paqui Lucio y Fernando Orejas, Sitges, Barcelona, 2006, ISBN: 84-95999-84-6.[pdf]

Abstract: XQuery is a typed functional language for Web Databases. It is a query language against XML documents. In this paper we study how to translate XQuery programs into logic programming. With this aim, each XQuery functional expression is translated into logic rules and goals. The answers for the goals correspond with answers for the query against XML documents.

25.Jesus M. Almendros Jimenez, German Vidal. Partial Inversion of First-Order Functional Programs. Proceedings of the VI Jornadas de Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE’06, Ed. Paqui Lucio y Fernando Orejas, Sitges, Barcelona, 2006, pages 291-300, ISBN: 84-95999-84-6.[pdf]

Abstract: We introduce a new partial inversion technique for first-order functional programs. In contrast to other, related techniques, our method is simple and (when it succeeds) returns a program that belongs to the same class of the original one, namely the class of inductively sequential programs—an essential property for having a practically applicable transformation.

24.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez and Antonio Becerra Terón. Database Query Languages and Functional Logic Programming, Journal of New Generation Computing, 24(2), pages 129-184, 2006. [Electronic Edition][pdf]

Abstract: Functional logic programming is a paradigm which integrates functional and logic programming. It is based on the use of rewriting rules for defining of programs, and rewriting for goal solving. In this context, goals, usually, consist of equality (and, sometimes, inequality) constraints, which are solved in order to obtain answers, represented by means of substitutions. On the other hand, database programming languages involve a data model, a data definition language and, finally, a query language against the data defined according to the data model. To use functional logic programming as database programming language, (1) we will propose a data model involving the main features adopted from functional logic programming (for instance, handling of partial and infinite data), (2) we will use conditional rewriting rules as data definition language, and finally, (3) we will deal with equality and inequality constraints as query language. Moreover, as most database systems, (4) we will propose an extended relational calculus and algebra, which can be used as alternative query languages in this framework. Finally, (5) we will prove that three alternative query languages are equivalent.

23.Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez and Luis Iribarne. Describing Use Cases by means of Activity Diagrams. Proceedings of the Metainformatics Symposium, MIS'04, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, no. 3511, pages 141-159, 2005. [Electronic Edition][pdf]

Abstract: The Model-Driven Development (MDD) describes and maintains models of the system under development. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) supports a set of semantics and notation that addresses all scales of architectural complexity by using a MDD perspective. Use Cases and Activity Charts are two modeling techniques of the UML. The first one helps the designers to identify the requirements of the system discovering its high level functionality. The second one helps them to specify the internal behaviour of a certain entity or subsystem of the software developed, such as a database, a graphical interface, a software component, or any specific software. However, there is not a direct way to relate/model the requirements (use cases) with their internal behavior (activity charts). In this paper we present a method for describing use cases with activity charts. Our technique also allow us to identify the two main use case relationships ---include and generalization--- by means of activity charts. As a case study, we will show how to use the activity charts to describe graphical user interfaces (GUI) from use cases. In particular, we will show an Internet book shopping system example.

22.Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez and Luis Iribarne. Designing GUI Componentes for UML Use Cases. Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS'05). IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 210-217, 2005. [Electronic Edition][pdf]

Abstract: In this paper we present how to develop graphical user interfaces from two UML models: use case and activity diagrams. Our method obtains from them a UML class diagram for representing GUI components, and it is suitable for generating code fragments which can be considered as GUI prototypes.

21.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez and Antonio Corral. Solving Constraints on Sets of Spatial Objects. Proceedings of the Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, PADL'05, Eds., M. Hermenegildo and D. Cabeza, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3350, Springer-Verlag, pages 158-173, 2005. [Electronic Edition][pdf]

Abstract: In this paper, we present a constraint solver for constraints on sets of spatial objects. With this aim, we define a constraint system for handling spatial data types (points, lines, polygons and regions) and constraints on them (equalities and inequalities, memberships, metric, topological and structural constraints), and provide a suitable theory for this constraint system. The constraint solver is presented in the form of transformation rules. These transformation rules handle a special kind of constraints used for consistency checking, enabling an optimized and efficient solving of spatial constraints.

20.Jesús M. Almendros-Jiménez. Constraint Logic Programming Over Sets of Spatial Objects. Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2005 Workshop on Curry and Functional Logic Programming. WCFLP'05, Ed. M. Hanus and S. Antoy, ACM Press, pages 32-42, 2005.[Electronic Edition][pdf]

Abstract: Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) is a framework integrating Constraint Programming (CP) and Logic Programming (LP). CLP is described as a general schema of combination of logic-based languages and constraint solvers. Recently, a constraint system for the handling of constraints over sets of spatial objects has been presented. In this paper we study how to consider a CLP instance for this kind of constraints. In particular, we study the fixed-point and operational semantics of such instance. With respect to the operational semantics it is described how the constraint solver interacts with the mechanism of resolution, in particular how to detect failure branches by means of a consistence constraint checker and how to achieve constraint propagation and compute solved forms.

19.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez, Antonio Becerra Terón and Francisco Javier Enciso-Baños. Magic Sets for the XPath Language. Proceedings of the V Jornadas de Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE'05, integrated in the CEDI conference. Ed. Francisco López Fraguas, Thompson Paraninfo, pages 211-220, 2005.[pdf]

Abstract: The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is considered as the format of choice for the exchange of information among various applications on the Internet. Since XML is emerging as a standard for data exchange, it is natural that queries among applications should be expressed as queries against data in XML format. This use gives rise to a requirement for a query language designed expressly for XML resources. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) convened to create the XQuery language, concretely, a typed functional language for querying XML documents. One key aspect of the XQuery language is the use of the XPath language as basis for handling of the structure of a XML document. In this paper we present a proposal for the representation of XML documents by means of a logic program. Rules and facts can be used for representing the document schema and the XML document itself. In addition, we study how to query by means of the XPath language against a logic program representing a XML document. It evolves the specialization of the logic program with regard to the XPath expression. This specialization technique is based on the well-known transformation technique called Magic Sets and studied for deductive databases. The bottom-up evaluation of the specialized program is used for answering the query in the XPath language.

18.Jesús M. Almendros Jiménez and Antonio Corral. Introducing Constraints on Sets of Spatial Objects. Proceedings of the IV jornadas de Programación y Lenguages, PROLE'04, Ed. S. Lucas, pages 1-11, 2004. [pdf]

Abstract:In this paper we present a framework for handling of constraints on sets of spatial objects. For this spatial constraint system we formally define a set of spatial data types together with operations on them. We show how to formulate a spatial constraint satisfaction problem using these constraints, by means of several examples. We also study safety conditions in order to ensure that each spatial constraint satisfaction problem is equivalent to a solved form representing its set of solutions.

17. Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez and Luis Iribarne. A Method based on UML Use Cases for GUI Design. Proceedings of the Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos, JISBD'04, 8 pages, 2004. [pdf]

Abstract: The use case model help the designers to identify the requirements of the system and to study its high level functionality. In this paper we present a methodology for graphical user interface design using the UML use case model. Given a use case diagram representing the actors and use cases of a system, and a set of activity diagrams describing each use case, our technique allows us to generate a prototype of each user interface together with a set of GUI components. Our technique handles the <> and generalization relationships on use cases, in such a way that they are interpreted from the point of view of the GUI design.

16.Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez, Antonio Becerra Terón. A Safe Relational Calculus for Functional Logic Deductive Databases. Electronic Notes on Theoretical Computer Science, 86(3), 47 pages, Elsevier Science, 2003. [Electronic Edition][pdf]

Abstract:In this paper, we present an extended relational calculus for expressing queries in functional-logic deductive databases. This calculus is based on first-order logic and handles relation predicates, equalities and inequalities over partially defined terms, and approximation equations. For the calculus formulas, we have studied syntactic conditions in order to ensure the domain independence property. Finally, we have studied its equivalence w.r.t. the original query language, which is based on equality and inequality constraints.

15.Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez and Antonio Becerra Terón. A Relational Algebra for Functional Logic Deductive Databases. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Perspectives of System Informatics, PSI'03, Manfred Broy and Alexandre V. Zamulin Eds, Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 2890, pp. 494-508, Springer Verlag, 2003.[Electronic Edition][pdf]

Abstract:In this paper, we study the integration of functional logic programming and databases by presenting a data model, and a query and data definition language. The query and data definition language is based on the use of a set of algebra operators over an extended relational algebra. The algebra expressions built from the extended algebra are used for expressing queries and rules. In addition, algebra expressions can be used for defining functions, typical in a functional logic program.

14.Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez and Antonio Becerra Terón. A Safe Relational Calculus for Functional Logic Deductive Databases. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming, WFLP'03, Ed. G. Vidal, Technical Report DSIC-II/13/03, pp. 212-226, 2003.[pdf]

Abstract: In this paper, we present an extended relational calculus for expressing queries in functional-logic deductive databases. This calculus is based on first-order logic and handles relation predicates, equalities and inequalities over partially defined terms, and approximation equations. For the calculus formulas, we have studied syntactic conditions in order to ensure the domain independence property. Finally, we have studied its equivalence w.r.t. the original query language which is based on equality and inequality constraints.

13.Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez and Luis González Jiménez. Bases for the Development of LAST: A Formal Method for Business Requirements Specification. Journal of Information and Software Technology, 44 (2): 65-75, Eds. M. Dyer, M. Shepperd, C. Wohlin, Elsevier Science, 2002.[Electronic Edition][pdf]

Abstract: This paper proposes a possible approach to IS requirements specification. It relies on the application of standard (i.e., conventional) Discrete Mathematics, more precisely, it uses a fairly limited number of concepts from the fields of Linear Algebra and Sets Theory (hence its name, LAST). The use of LAST for data definition and query-answer are discussed in some detail, given the data-rich quality of Business IS and the fact that a solid data-model is therefore essential to their specification. The proposed approach implies integration with other semiformal specification methods, two of the possibilities being integration with UML-OCL and with the Entity-Relationship Model, which are discussed in this paper. Finally, mapping of LAST specifications to the Relational Model is also addressed; this possibility having an interest both, for (partial) implementation and for model simulation.

12.Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez and Antonio Becerra Terón. A Safe Calculus and Algebra for Querying Functional Logic Deductive Databases. Proceedings of the Segundas Jornadas de Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE'02, Ed. R. Peña, A. Herranz, J.J. Moreno, pp. 71-86, 2002. [pdf]

Abstract: In this paper, we present an extended relational calculus and algebra for a functional logic deductive database language. The extended relational calculus is based on the relational first-order logic, by adding constraints in the form of equalities and disequalities over complex (partially defined and possibly infinite) values and interpreted functions. In addition, we propose the notion of safety over calculus formulas in order to guarantee the property of domain independence. In the case of the extended relational algebra, we provide a generalization of the selection and projection operators in order to restructure complex values by means of constructors and destructors, interpreted functions and function inverses, as well as, to consider equality and disequality constraints. Finally, we will state that the two query formalisms (calculus and algebra) are equivalent.

11.Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez, Antonio Becerra Terón and Jaime Sánchez Hernández. A Computational Model for Functional Logic Deductive Databases. Proceedings of the 17th Intenational Conference on Logic Programming, ICLP'01, Ed. Ph. Codognet, Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 2237, pp. 331-347, Springer Verlag, 2001.[Electronic Edition][pdf]

Abstract: This paper adds the handling of negative information to a functional-logic deductive database language. By adopting as semantics for negation the so-called CRWLF, wherein the negation is intended as 'finite failure' of reduction, we will define Herbrand algebras and models for this semantics and a fix point operator to be used in a new goal-directed bottom-up evaluation mechanism based on magic transformations. This bottom-up evaluation will simulate the top-down one of the original program; in fact, it will carry out a goal-directed lazy evaluation.

10.Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez and Antonio Becerra Terón. INDALOG: A Declarative Deductive Database Language. Proceedings of the Primeras Jornadas de Programación y Lenguajes, PROLE'01, Eds. F. Orejas, F. Cuartero, D. Cazorla, pp. 113-128, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2001.[pdf]

Abstract: In this paper, we present the main features of a deductive database language named INDALOG based on the integration of functional and logic paradigms. As the most deductive database systems, INDALOG allows the handling of negation, higher-order functions, grouping operators, support for aggregation, handling of non-ground facts, and support for indexing structures on both extensional and intensional relations of a database. Moreover, we present the semantic foundations of this language.

9.Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez and Antonio Becerra-Terón. A Framework for Goal-DirectedBottom-Up Evaluation of Functional-logic Programs. Proceedings of the Fifth International Functional and Logic Programming Symposium, FLOPS'01, Eds. H. Kuchen, W. Ueda, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no. 2024, pp. 153-169, Springer Verlag, 2001 [Electronic Edition][pdf]

Abstract: In this paper we start the design of a functional-logic deductive database language. Given that most logic deductive languages consider bottom-up evaluation as operational mechanism, here we will focus on the development of an operational semantics based on bottom-up evaluation for functional logic languages. As in the logic paradigm, the bottom-up evaluation will consist in a magic transformation for a given program-query into a magic program-query for which the bottom-up evaluation will simulate the top-down one of the original program.

8.Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez and Luis González Jiménez. The LAST Project: Developmentof a Formal Method for IS-Specification and of a CASE-Tool for IS-Design. Proceedings of the Asia Pasific Software Engineering Conference. APSEC'00. pp. 54-61, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2000 [Electronic Edition][pdf]

Abstract: This paper describes the basic methodology of a Formal Method (LAST) that uses elements of Linear Algebra and Sets Theory for IS-specification. It also reports on a R & D project, presently under way, whose aim is to develop LAST and to make it fully operational. To this end, a CASE-tool consisting of a LAST user-interface, and a translator LAST-UML will be developed and tested. The necessary description of LAST-UML correspondence is also treated below. The ultimate goal of the project is to contribute to the improvement of IS development cycle.

7.Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez. Programación Lógico Funcional con TiposParamétricos y Géneros Ordenados. Ph.D. Thesis. 1999. Dpto. de Sistemas Informáticos y Programación. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1999. [pdf]

Abstract:In the thesis it is studied the foundations of a programming language which combines the functional and logic paradigms and which integrates a parametric type system in the style of functional languages and order sorted as in logic languages and equational reasoning. It is studied its operational semantics based on lazy narrowing and type conditions solving and the denotational and declarative semantics based on Scott domains and Herbrand models. Moreover it is presented the implementation of the language based on the translation into Prolog and compile-time tools as type checking and inference. Finally, it is extended to a higher order language.

6.Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez. Prolog Specification of Lazy Narrowing with Type Constraints. Proceedings of the Workshop on Types for Constraints Logic Programming TCLP'98 (Post-Conference Workshop of the 1998 Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming, JICSLP'98), University of Manchester, 1998.[pdf]

Abstract: We propose an implementation of a functional logic language with parametric order sorted types. This implementation is based on translating typed lazy narrowing into Prolog, establishing a reasonable strategy of combination of data and type constraints solving. Following this strategy, types reduces significantly the search space of solutions and avoids otherwise necessary functional reductions in higher order functional logic programming.

5.Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez. Improving Computations in a Typed Functional LogicLanguage. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, AMAST'98, Ed. A. Martín Haeberer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no. 1548, pp. 438-454, Springer Verlag, 1998. [Electronic Edition][pdf]

Abstract: We propose an implementation of a functional logic language with parametric order sorted types by translating typed lazy narrowing into Prolog, and establishing a reasonable strategy of combination of data and type constraints solving. By means of this translation, we describe how types can be used at run-time to prune the search space of solutions of a goal. Moreover, we present type inference and checking compile-time tools for the language showing its usefulness for improving computations.

4.Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez, Ana Gil Luezas. Lazy Narrowing with Parametric OrderSorted Types. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Algebraic and Logic Programming, ALP'97, Eds. M. Hanus, J. Heering, K. Meinke, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no. 1298, pp. 159-173, Springer Verlag, 1997. [pdf]

Abstract: Recently, a model theoretic semantics for lazy functional programming combining parametric and inclusion polymorphism has been proposed The aim of the present work is to provide the previous one with the incorporation of a typed lazy narrowing calculus for goal solving which combines lazy unification, sharing and type checking at run-time. Furthermore, we state soundness and completeness results of the goal solving procedure w.r.t. the typed rewriting calculi presented which were proved to be also sound and complete w.r.t. the notion of model . Thus, all theoretical results described there are also preserved in this framework.

3.Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez, Antonio Gavilanes Franco and Ana Gil Luezas. Algebraic Semantics for Functional Logic Programming with Polymorphic Order Sorted Types. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Algebraic and Logic Programming, ALP'96, Eds. M. Hanus, M. Rodríguez Artalejo, Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 1139, pp. 299-313, Springer Verlag, 1996.[pdf]

Abstract: In this paper we present the semantics of a functional logic language with parametric and order-sorted polymorphism. Typed programs consist of a polymorphic signature and a set of constructor-based conditional rewriting rules for which we define a semantic calculus. The denotational semantics of the language is based on Scott domains interpreting constructors and functions by monotonic and continuous mappings, respectively, in every instance of the declared type. We prove initiality results for the free ground term algebra. We also prove that the free term algebra with variables is freely generated in the category of models. The semantic calculus is proved to be sound and complete w.r.t. the denotational semantics. As in logic programming, we define the immediate consequence operator, proving that the Hebrand model is the least model of a program.

2.Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez. Type Inference and Checking for Polymorphic Order SortedTyped Functional Logic Programs. Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Declarative Programming, APPIA-GULP-PRODE'96, pp. 439-450, Universidad del Pais Vasco, 1996.[pdf]

Abstract: In this paper we investigate the type inference and checking for a polymorphic order-sorted typed functional logic language. This language consists of a specification of types, a set of type declarations for data constructors and functions and a set of constructor-based conditional rewriting rules including data and type conditions as constraints in the rule applicability. We have interested in type conditions that can be satisfiable (i.e. the satisfiability depends on the program rules and therefore it is not decidable statically) and make the program rules well-typed. The well-typedness of a program rule establishes that expressions occurring in it must be well-typed w.r.t. the type declarations and its type conditions. We present an algorithm that infers a minimal set of type conditions making well-typed a rule and that checks satisfiability of the type information provided by the user. This algorithm is shown to be sound and complete.

1.Jesús Manuel Almendros Jiménez, Ana Gil Luezas. Ishtar: A Functional Logic Language withPolymorphic Order Sorted Types. Extended Abstracts of the 10th International Workshop on Unification, UNIF'96, CIS-Bericht-96-91, pp. 76-81, University of Munich, 1996.[pdf]

Abstract: This work investigates the integration of a polymorphic order-sorted type system into functional logic programming including lazy functions. Operational semantics for logic languages with polymorphic order-sorted types only requires type checking for data terms during the unification process. However, in lazy narrowing, type checking of expressions not being data terms could require evaluation. For this reason, a lazy type checking must be introduced and combined with lazy narrowing. We will define a lazy notion of type checking based on the type declarations, in such a way that the expressions involving function symbols will not be evaluated if the type declaration is enough to deduce the type.

